There were odd little disturbances during her morning coffee hour. For one, a bustling individual who rushed into the restaurant as if seeking refuge from the glorious weather outside. It was understandable to be honest, sunshine and all the festivities that came along with it wasn't for all people. She could understand that. It was not until, however, the figure took a nose dive for the bathroom that Saki understood the panic and relief that caught the boy's face. It was nature's calling. Seeing how this was one of the few places open this early in the morning it seemed completely reasonable that the boy had been in such a rush. Despite the urge to use the bathroom, he managed to spare a second acknowledging her existence in the busy coffee shop. How considerate. There was another individual that seemed to sweep in just as soon as the other had left. Looking over she crossed her legs as she tilted her head in interest. His blue hair was distinct, his posture informal but poised, if Saki had to make one conclusion in the few seconds that she knew the young man it would be the fact that he probably knew she was examining him. Pulling her eyes away before he could respond, she returned to nursing her coffee before the waiter came over once again with a warm smile. [b]"Would you mind sharing the table?"[/b] he had asked. [b]"Not at all, could I get a cheesecake by any chance?" [/b] [b]"Of course, I'll get you another espres-"[/b] [b]"Just regular coffee would be fine." [/b] Backing away, the man gave her a brief nod before going to greet the boy that had just entered, directing him towards her table if he wished to have a seat. After that he and his smile disappeared from the front of the restaurant as he retreated to the back to attend to bring out the orders.