Gaia Landing They were in the heart of a city, with alien alloys of red and black composing the walls, and lakes of the odd, lava like substance flowing under bridges and in fountains, with strange alien flora growing in strict, regimentally maintained formations. It would be beautiful, if not for the hellish feel the colours gave off. and everything appeared to come to a halt as the Triarii Present nodded to the Aetherii "As you command, masters, so shall it be done". There were Civilis Protectione present, maintaining a perimeter, and hundreds of Synth Soldiers. There was a noise from overhead as a Dropship came down, the crab like synth holding a metal container which opened up, four Spectre Synth Soldiers charging off... And two of the Draconian Synths, clad in black spectre armour, weapons in hand. Spectre Corvus stepped off it, smashing his hand against his chest and lowering his head to salute the Aetherii, then Luna, before speaking and gesturing for her to approach "Praelatus Meus, an Indespectus class is waiting." He said, as two Civilis Protectione exchanged glanced over Spectres appearance Somewhere... "Open it" "Yes, Praelatus meus" The Argutus replied and he tapped commands, and the machinery they had set up sprung into action. The massive circular door had resisted Plasma, warp cannon, and impossibly, anti matter. It shouldn't be there... Indeed, sensors said it wasn't, and yet it was. The machinery grabbed at the door, energy cutters whirring, arms grabbing, blurring of energy... And when it ceased... "No detectable change"