Aboard the Wraith, in the port sub-docking bay, a small ship was quickly encased in a beta-gamma ray field, and then dumped into space, with a long trailing tractor beam holding it tethered to the ship. The gamma-field holding enough energy to rival a pulsar for a tenth of a second would detonate if the command given released the tether. The Lord General watched the monitors as the strange man named LeeRoy and Dr. Kur began the exchange of information. [b]“Double the guard in that section of the ship. If this immortal tries to betray us, we shall test his immortality.”[/b] An aide nodded and sent word to a cadre of Knights. Turning back to the screens, the war on Darashal moved back as his eyes turned towards the readings that raced off the charts. [b]“This discharge of energies is not a gate, but it indicates a gate has opened. The question is where and more importantly why?”[/b] Garal Vash frowned as he stared at the screen,[i] “Perhaps it is not so unexpected Lord General. We found this man, this LeeRoy in our space. Now a gate discharge occurs. This might be a precursor to an attack by the Dreamers. Perhaps we have come too close and they now fear the power of the Angar-Rylla.”[/i] Dou’far Klaast shook his head,[b]“Were it so easy my old friend. No, I fear this is something different, something we may not be prepared for.”[/b] Tapping the intercom he spoke, his voice reverberating in the science lad where LeeRoy and Dr. Kur were, [b]“We have some pressing issues Doctor. Please come to the bridge I need your advice.”[/b] [center]***[/center] Dr. Salandra Kur frowned, [i]“I am sorry LeeRoy. I must attend this. The Lord General has requested me.”[/i] With a wane smile she hurried from the room, two Knights falling in step behind her as she made her way to the lifts.