Name: Cynyr Age: Unknown - Presumed late teens/early 20's Gender: Female Birthday: May 19, assuming Sol's Orbiter has a 24-hour 365 (and 1/4!)-day system. Appearance: Cynyr's entire face is covered by a black hoodie and a mask. She wears a dark crimson long sleeved shirt, stained with blood, along with black pants, and combat boots. Her armor is basically a light arrow/bulletproof combat vest and leggings, with a steel mask. This can protect against low-caliber projectile weaponry, such as pistol rounds or a few low-caliber rifle shots, but the body armor is effectively useless against any decent amount of melee or blunt force. Profession: Hired assassin/manhunter/merc, freelancer, drifter. Background: Unknown. (Born in Vorak, pursued by Seekers, but ran away. Lived in wild for a while, but constantly stole from both Morr and Vorak, before reemerging as a freelance assassin/merc years later.) Nation: Presumed formerly Vorak, currently unknown, presumed none. Skills: Highly skilled assassin, capable of extreme acrobatics and very good at blending in/hiding. If possible, has blessings of Lryuc. Fighting style: Prefers to use knives/daggers, along with stealth, to quickly eliminate key targets. Also uses poisons to attack. Main weapon is a set of 4 butterfly knives, made for both ranged and melee use. Talent (if any): Has a “sixth sense” which allows her to notice the vulnerable spots of her targets, and also gives her (some) warnings about enemies she has not noticed. Personality: Silent and impassive. Often described as being a "living, breathing, piece of stone" or other variations of the phrase. Rarely speaks, and when she does, it is (Usually!) in a monotone voice, with short, clipped sentences.