[center][b]THIS IS THE REMAKE OF THE ORIGINAL RP! EVERYONE IS ACCEPTED[/b][/center] Well, the main idea of this is to have a huge carnival that goes from town to town with its wicked circus members who needs fear and souls to feed upon to continue their show. Thing is...outside people don't know it, and it's too late to tell anyone when they have their souls and happiness sucked. They don't have to be evil, but they all feast upon souls. This would be based upon modern days, like...nowadays. Also, one final thing to add..they had something in their lives that they wanted. Wether it be the return of a dead member, to fix something with themselves or a simple selfish wish...They had come to Hag for him to accomplish it. But it was rarely accomplished in a good way. However, with their wish done, they had to serve Hag's Carnival as bond between the wish and them. Like a contract. Their lives are bound to the carnival, and they can't escape it, or else they'll die. Rules: -No Godmodding. -Some 18+ content (like gore and romance) is allowed, but take the other scenes to PMs please. -Keep discussions between users at its lowest point. I don't want those silly games here. -If a fight engages between two characters, you solve it. If you fight over who wins, I'll solve it. -If I kill a character for whatever reason (like annoying me) then you are killed for good. -Bonds with each character/s have to be asked first in order to fully settle them. You can't be the forced sister of someone. Staff: Here we need one of each to fulfill a role to play. People watching the show will be NPCs who can be treated whichever way you want. Clown #1: Ambrose Clown #2: Yorick Mime: Mileficent "Oddy" Johnson Knife Thrower: Minata "Mina" Scrios Acrobat: Sashia Fertar Animal Tamer: Nychta Darkesh Ringmaster (The one running the Carnival, alas me.): Hagger "Hag" Spetz. The watchman (like the vigilant and the left hand of the Top Man): Mortimer Scharff and Shadow. Ringman's Assistant: Jeroliu Greh -Character Sheet- Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Position (Of the ones listed above): Powers (don't godmod here, for God's sake): Personality: Background info (more like a bio): Wish: Bonds to other characters: Weapons: Name: Hagger "Hag" Spetz Age: 31 Gender: Male Appearance: [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/336/5/c/shaco_by_avenged96-d4hz02o.jpg] (Yes, I know it's Shaco!) Position: Ringmaster. Powers: Temporal Invisibility, can produce intense fear to an enemy to the point of rendering him useless, enhanced agility and can multiplicate himself. Personality: He's a quite calm man who is always wearing a mask, so no ones knows how he looks underneath it. Also, he's quite of a psycho who loves to see blood getting spilled. He can also get quite hype with people. Background: Hag's backgrounds are mostly unknown, but it is known he was born in a family full of magic, and some of those elements were transfered to him. Once he realized he could grant wishes, he got the best idea: to create his own Carnival. That's when he left behind his family in Sweden and travelled to Germany to set up his Carnival there. From that point on, he has travelled through the whole world with his carnival, harvesting thousands of souls with his employees. Wish: None, since he is the creator. Bonds to other characters: Best friends with Mortimer. Weapons: He has two daggers on his hips at all times. Name: Mortimer Scharff Age: Long Dead. Gender: Male Appearance: [img=http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/801/h83a.png] Position: Watchman. Powers: Has the power of darkness and shadows, and he masterfully controls them. Plus, he has necromancer-like powers. His crow, Shadow, also possesses the same powers and it is his weak-spot. Personality: Mortimer is an extremely shy person who always stutters when he speaks. He is really strict and a person to fear since his shadows produce the most nightmarish elements to ever dream of. Background: Mortimer was a happy family who lived in the United Kingdom, London. One day, a pair of gang members came to his house and killed his wife and his children, turning his life into an eternal nightmare. He couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat...he couldn't do anything. To spend time with his dead family, he accepted a job ina cemetery, but he didn't want to die because he knew the faces of his dead family would show him how much of a bad parent he was to let them die. When Hag came across, he hopped aboard the circus asking the wish to never die, to be inmortal. Wish: To be inmortal. Bonds to other characters: He is very good friends with Hag, mostly because he sees a beacon of hope in Hag, as he punishes bad people, and so does Mortimer. Weapons: His strange, dark and disturbing magic. So, go ahead! Join! Just so you know, the Co-GM of this RP is Minarawr. So she will also rule here.