[center]As soon as Jecht opened the door, Trixxtal's heart dropped. Just like Jecht had said, everything was destroyed. But it wasn't the shattered glass or the broken chairs that he was fretting about. It was the blood. What could've happened here? Both his brother and his wife were vampires and were perfectly capable of taking down a mob of humans if needed. That only left....no, Trixxtal wouldn't think about that...at least not now. If another group of vampirates raided this town, that meant that his brother was either dead, or badly injured. Trixxtal was too engaged in his own thoughts to hear Jecht's words. He didn't even realize that Jecht left his side to inspect the house. His body felt frozen, but somehow, he managed to make his way over to the largest pool of blood in the room and sank to his knees. He could smell it. It was his brother's all right. Trixxtal could feel his stomach twist and turn and for the first time since turning into a vampire, he felt like throwing up. He covered his mouth with his hand and wrapped his other around his stomach, holding it tight, his eyes never leaving the blood puddle in front of him. From the other side of the room, he could smell the blood of his brother's wife, but he didn't dare turn his head to look at it, just incase that sent his stomach over the edge. But....but wait a minute...He could smell Alexandre's blood and his wife, but that was it. He had never met Protettore before so he wouldn't know how he smelt, but even then, he would've smelt his different scented blood if he had been hurt. ...then maybe, just maybe, there was ho- "Trixxtal...!" Without a second thought, Trixxtal jumped to his feet and ran over to where Jecht's surprised voice was coming from. " What? What is it?" He asked, his eyes darting around. He didn't notice it at first, but soon enough, he saw the small boy sleeping soundly in the bed. Trixxtal was confused. Who was this boy? Was it possible that he was a homeless orphan who just happened to find the empty house of his brother? Or maybe...maybe he was the one who did this! Even though it was a simple thought, Trixxtal's blood started to boil and he could feel his hands ball into fists. If this boy had done it, he'd pay!! No. That was silly. There was no way the boy could take down his brother and his wife; it was rediculous to even consider it. But still....who was he? " What is he doing here?" He asked Jecht in a low tone as if he knew. Just then, the scent of his brother floated across his nose. Snapping his head back towards the boy, Trixxtal moved without thinking until he was right beside the sleeping boy, his eyes widening. " He smells...just like my brother!" He told Jecht. Again, the thought of the boy killing his only remaining family flashed through his mind and he ripped the bedcovers off the boy and shook him awake. The boy, probably around six or seven, awoke immediately, his eyes snapping open to stare at Trixxtal, his mouth dropping into a confused frown. Fear started to creep it's way into his gaze, but Trixxtal could tell that he was trying not to let it show, " W-what are you..? Who are you?!" He asked, his voice cracking only slightly. Trixxtal grabbed the boy by the shoudlers and started to shake him violently, " Who are you and what have you done with my brother?!?!"[/center]