Drake noted and ignored the low whistle the lady behind him uttered, then listened as she whispered, “My name is Misti.” Drake grinned as she continued, instantly checking off “meet a smartass lady” from his bucket list. “and I saw movement about ten feet from where we’re standing at an angle of elevation of about sixty six degrees. Any plans on how we’re going t get him to show himself, Mr. whatever-your-name-is?” After hearing her speak, all Drake could do was roll his eyes and continue looking sharp, hoping to notice when the enemy made a move. Flake carefully listened to their words as they attempted to quietly speak to one another, then decided to reveal himself. [i]Who would’ve known. So lady assassins do learn something at that academy[/i] he thought, silently drawing his saber. He rested it against his arm, then picked up a rock, adjusted his voice towards the back wall once more, and shouted, in a new, scratchy voice, “Fire!!” After doing so, he threw the rock at a trashcan and jumped from the balcony, launching himself down with aid from the railing. Drake braced himself for a heavy projectile, but none came, instead the plink of a rock hit a trashcan. “ABOVE!” he shouted, instantly pulling his sheath down along his back, drawing his blade with a loud, metallic screech. The figure was falling so fast that his features were nearly indistinguishable, besides his black leather armor and glinting blade. The guard’s huge blade only barely made it out of it’s sheath as Flake’s blade slammed onto the captain’s helmet, releasing a few bright sparks and a powerful thud. Drake stumbled back for a second, trying to pull his sword back towards his chest, but Flake was moving too quick for the heavy soldier. “Hey buddy,” Flake said, swiftly chopping at the joint of the gauntlet against his radial plate. The heavy soldier’s hand instantly released from shock, causing his weapon to fall to the ground. “YOU!!!” Drake roared, reaching for the man with his other hand. Flake instantly brought his saber over to the man’s other arm, savagely whacking the same spot on his other arm, this time with the blunt side of the blade. “Yeah,” Flake said, quickly shifting positions. At the moment he finished speaking, he delivered a sideways thrust-kick directly at the soldier’s chest plate, tossing him back at the assassin, “me.” The soldier landed on the ground with a resounding thud, and as the sound echoed across the alley, Flake sheathed his saber, a wide smirk on his face. “How’d you sleep, missy?” Flake asked, directing his attention towards Raine as his royally-pissed-off friend started to get up once again. The crowd near the entrance to the alley was erupting with conversation as Flake watched the lady, the sounds of metal plate thundering as Drake quickly got to his feet, grabbing his large sword with a grunt. “You owe me five for that act, ya idiot,” Drake mumbled, sheathing his sword smoothly as he stood up once more.