The youkai remains tense, his eyes glaring around at the others. One of his ears snaps in the boy's direction when he speaks and he can't hold back a chuckle at the sight of them fleeing. [i]'This kid is smart. Taking advantage of this really odd situation like this. Yes I. . . .'[/i] His whole body freezes as the reality of what he's just done begins to sink in. Before he really has a chance to come up with something solid, or even a good excuse to make himself feel better, the voice sounds from behind him again. He turns his head just far enough to see the young man still laid out on the ground. [i]'Only time will tell if this was worth it'[/i] He listens silently to the questions, trying to come up with answers. However when the boy apologizes to him his mind clears and all he can do is smile. “I am what I am, here of my own volition.” His voice is a bit rough from lack of use, but the low purr in the back of his throat helps to smooth everything out a little. “You do not deserve the things that happen to you young one, and I just could not take it any more.” He turns a bit more, looking upon the human with both eyes. His smile is very soft, and cat like, his tail moving lazily back and forth. He moves slowly closer to the kid, as he moves his body transitions smoothly into his animal form until at last he stands as his fully feline self beside the boy. Looking down into his face he licks his lips carefully and murmurs, “I did not mind being called yours young one.” With that, he jumps over the young man and slinks off around a corner. Once out of sight he begins making his way slowly back to his sleeping perch. [i]'I can not believe I just did that. I even spoke to him while in disguise! I think I have lost my mind. The elders would skin me alive if they knew about what I just did'[/i] He growls lightly, his brain paining him slightly from the stress.