In the Hanger of Autobot city Preet began boiling with rage, he needed to prove himself to the council and these top of the line mechs granted to him were doing nothing to deter his opposition. First those strange Transformers came from nowhere and humiliated him and now he's gotten reports of a Black Gundam demolishing his forces, then some other guy is just appearing out of nowhere. Preet was outgunned but he was willing to fight to the last Beta “Preet can’t you see you’re taking this too far?” Said his mechs AI “I’m doing what is necessary! All my life I've been looked down upon and mocked-but now I have power and soon I’ll have a position of power so great no one will dare laugh again!” “Please let me down Preet I never even laughed at you!” Said his captive the boy named Shinn Barnack “You can’t fool me! You all laughed at me when I tried talking about my favorite fictional parings and shunned me!” “Uhhhh what?” Shin said. Beads of sweat began forming on his brow; he began wondering if this guy was totally insane, a complete fucking idiot or some combination of both. Shinn barely talked to Preet when he was at school and when he tried talking to him he brought up his weird shipping fixation, but his fellow classmate Kerry was with him and mocked Preet and called him a fag. “You know damn well ‘what’!” Preet said while flailing his arms “Because of that Asuna laughed at me and broke my heart! Always following you like a lost puppy you both make me sick! I turned to machines for solace and they became my only friends, eventually I made my own AI which I began mending my heart, but it didn't end my thirst for vengeance! I intend turn Autobot city into a sovereign nation, a home for robosexuals, Shippers and men suffering from broken hearts.” “Preet that’s insane, there’s no way the Autobots will let you have their city!” “Shut up!” You've already killed one of my dreams!” “Preet please listen to him, Shin is only trying to help, and if you keep going you’re going to get everyone killed!” “He’ll help me now, by keeping that black guy and the Red Guy off of me, and Asuna wouldn't dare strike her beloved! [b]I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE AND CRUSH MY OLD LOVE WITH THE NEW!”[/b] Shinn began feeling dread, not for just himself but for Asuna. She was Preets other target in his mad crusade, and he was her prime handicap.