[center] As Trixxtal burst into the room, Jecht could see that his friend felt just as confused as he did just by looking at the expression on his face. "What is he doing here?"questioned Trixxtal but Jecht did not have time to answer him. "He smells...just like my brother!"continued the blond, and in a flash Jecht observed as Trixxtal violently awoke the boy and stared him down. "How? There's no blood on him..."he commented, but a frightened voice interrupted him. Apparently the child woke up and Jecht could feel the fury radiating off of Trixxtal. "W-what are you..? Who are you?!"asked the panicked child. When Trixxtal started to shake him by the shoulders did Jecht finally decide to intervene. He didn't care that the child could get hurt: he was nothing to Jecht except being their only lead to finding Trixxtal's family. But they were going to be there all night if the first mate continued this behaviour. And they didn't have all night, they needed to figure out what happened as soon as possible. "Who are you and what have you done with my brother?!?!" "Trixxtal."he interjected, calmly walking over to the two of them. "Let me help you." He placed his hands on Trixxtal's hands and gently removed them from the boy's shoulders. With a warm smile he released his grip on Trixxtal and reached into his pocket, pulling out a hidden blade. Like the ruthless vampire pirate captain he was, he suddenly grabbed the boy's neck and turned him to where he could see Jecht staring directly into his eyes. As he looked into the boys eyes, he couldn't shake the feeling that they looked familiar, but now was not the time to wonder about trivial information. Pressing the knife against the bare skin of the boy's neck, he spoke threateningly, "I'll feel no guilt in killing you should I discover any lies in your words. Got it, kid? Now, tell us, what's your name? And why are you here?" [/center]