Anastasia felt herself being lifted down from Adams arm as she set down she cringed at the pain that shot through her leg. She watched the demoness offer the flask of stuff to others around her, she laughed lightly at the sight. At least she was trying to be helpful.. Anastasia looked over to see Nestor injured, she was about to hobble over to him to aid him but he had already gained attention of someone else. He was the first person to show her kindness on this trip, so she felt saddened that her new friend was injured. It s an odd feeling sadness, not something she really ever knew in her life. She could feel something pulling at her heart like fingers on a chalk bored. She felt herself sucking her breath in as she tensed, she looked away from him hoping to kill this horrible feeling. Before Anastasia could do much else she felt someone grab ahold of her. A firm grip lifting her as if she weight less then a feather. She looked to greet her superman of sorts to see it wasn't a man at all. She smiled at the red headed beauty as she helped her speaking to her in her native tongue the sadness disappeared faster then it had arrived. She lowered herself on the ground with vetis's help letting out a large sigh of relief when the pain relaxed in her leg. "þakka þér vinsamlega sakna .... veti."(thank you kindly miss....veti. ) she smiled warmly at her. When she settled on the ground she then remembered something. She glanced over at Nestor as he watched his demon spawn give away his flask, his look mad her laugh slightly. "Ég sá sýn, eina sem sýnd var að mér með draug .. atleast það er það sem það virtist vera. hún sagði "sál illan anda, en hjarta mönnum er .. og biðja úlfinn stúlkuna hvað hún atvinnustöð""(i had a vision , one that was shown to me by a ghost..atleast that is what it appeared to be. she said “A Demon's soul, but a Human's heart"..and to ask the wolf girl what it meant" ) she looked over at veti to see her reaction.