Name: Akisame Koetsuji Nickname: Age: 38 Gender: male Abilities: is a master of Jujitsu, and is a LOT stronger than he looks Species: human Appearance(s): [img=] From: Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple Other: Name: Layfon Alseif Nickname: Age: 18 Gender: Male Abilities: Layfon has extremely high combat capabilities, as can be inferred from his past as a Heaven Blade, and also with the innate ability to break down Kei techniques and use them just by observation. Due to his birthplace, Glendan, being heavily involved in fighting Filth Monsters, he and fighters there developed with a 'win or die' philosophy. Consequently, he deliberately holds back in battles at Zuellni in order to conceal his past. Furthermore, Felli mentions that he has a large amount of internal kei. Some of his abilities include being able to move at high speeds and to use a technique to create illusionary clones. He also has quite a few other abilities, which, of course, he hides. Species: Human Appearance(s): [img=] From: Chome Shelled Regios Other: