[center][img]http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/RP%20ZODIAC/MukamiKou6001601020_zps3e74a835.jpg[/img] MASASHI SOHMA 16 years old Monkey of the zodiac Masashi is a quiet boy and doesn't talk very much. His mother was saddened by the fact that her son was a part of the zodiac, and she still hasn't gotten over it. To this very day, she mopes around the house, barely acknowledging her son's presence, but Masashi still makes her food and cleans the house. His father is out working alot, so he is hardly ever home. In his free time he likes to hang out with Adeku and Hayato, although Adeku can be overwhelming sometimes and envies them for having such good people taking care of them.[/center]