Ok guys heres the CS for the roleplay Name: Age: Gender: Supernatural feture: (wearwolf/vampire/half demon/ Ect.) Bio: we can decide together on area it will take place and what the housing will be like. [hider=Neil] Name: Neil Age: 24 Gender: male Supernatural feture: Half-Demon Bio: Being born half a demon and half human Neil soon found he would always have to hide his true self from the normal humans around him. For this reason he created a place where other supernaturals like himself would be able to find asylum and let their true selves show.when he shows his true form he gains a crown of small horns around his head, Wings, tail and his skin gets a reddish color. [/hider] [hider=willow] Willow Greyson 16 Female Demi-God(Father is Poseidon and mother is mortal) Her powers are the ability to control water and breath in it. Her cloths also never get wet unless she wants them too and she can talk to horses and if she gets really angry, cause tremors in the ground. Willow never knew her father and her mother rarely spoke of him. Willow had always known she was different but she didn't know in what way. It was all made clear on her 14th birthday when she got made and accidentally caused a very small tremor around their house. It was then that her mother revealed to her what she had been keeping from her for so long: That her father was not of their world and that Willow was not fully human. Willow accepted the news fairly well, relieved that she now knew what was wrong with her. When Willow turned 15, her and her mother were driving over a bridge when a drunk driver hit them and sent them over the railing and into the water. Willow, her father being who he was kept her from drowning but she was not able to save her mother and has hated herself still for it, the accident haunting her dreams and giving her nightmares. Willow was taken to an orphanage where she waited every day for her father to come get her but after a year of nothing she gave up. She eventually ran away, not able to take the abuse and violence from the other kids there that sensed she was not ordinary. Her hair turns from purple to blonde when wet and she has a hard time controlling her powers, especially when her emotions are out of control.[/hider] [hider=Celia] Name: Celia Age: 20 Gender: Female Supernatural Feature: Elemental. (She has control over the elements such as water, fire, earth, air, and spirit.) Appearance: Bio: She grew up in a world full of humans with nobody that understood her problems. As a kid she would accidentally light things on fire or start choking other kids when she was mad. She never got hurt or horribly punished for it until she unleashed her full potential on her friends killing most while the others suffered serious injuries. She was kicked out and sent to live within another town. When she found the house she was already twenty (She was kicked out at 16) and felt the need to live out her life with others like her. Now she studies her magic and uses it like it has always been hers.[/hider] [hider=Izzy] Appearance: Ikkime [+] Ikkime Without Ears [+] Name: Izzy Miuena (Ikkime Miu) Age: 19 Gender: Female Supernatural feature: Half Fox Demon Bio: The days numbered when Ikkime was born, counting down slowly until the fateful day of her birth. The Miu knew full well the consequence of the girls birth but they could not let them kill her. So when the daughter was born, they traveled great distances but found what they were looking for. None other then her father, the Fox demon who had impregnated the mother who had been captured and killed for giving birth to Ikkime. He was reluctant at first but after a conversation with the village elder he understood and took the baby far far far away from the village. They left the village behind and he began to try to teach her the ability to hide her ears and tails, being a half fox demon she could be a human when needed so she had a better chance of survival then him. After a while he began to send her into the human's environment and she had begun to fit in as one of them. Going under the name Izzy Miuena she went to private school learning humans ethics and then came home to her father in the woods to be taught the laws of Half demons and so on and so fourth. (TBC, stopped her since something really dramatic happens but have not quite gotten it out in my mind yet.) [/hider] The house itself has 4 bedrooms and a master bedroom. there are 2 shared bathrooms and 1 in the master bedroom. it has a large kitchen, living room,2 studies(one is Neil's office) , and 3 car garage.