[b]Greatly relieved that Andreios enjoyed the tea she brought to him, Ava happily climbed onto her horse & followed him back to her father's home. She was a little sad to leave her mother alone in her cottage, but there was no helping it. She just wished that Ingrid didn't look so helpless & forlorn every time she stepped out. & her father didn't even come visit this time. "Mister Andreios, do you think that all couples fall out of love?" Ava asked softly as the two neared her father's estate, "Mama & Papa pretend nothing is wrong, but I can tell they don't love each other anymore. If they couldn't keep their love alive, what hope do I have?" Sighing lightly, Ava tried to visualize what her future husband would be like. If her father got his way, the man he chose wouldn't love her at all, & her only value would be to have children for him. She just couldn't see herself doing that. "My governess, Lady Victoria, used to tell me that a lady can only do as well as her parents do," Ava grumbled, "I don't want a loveless marriage, even if my husband is rich." Suddenly realizing that she was saying entirely too much, Ava felt her face warm up & turn red, her gaze dropping to her horse's mane. What was she doing, asking almost a complete stranger for relationship advice? "I-i'm sorry," Ava mumbled a bit more quietly, "I know this sounds silly, but you make me feel at ease. The way you speak & act- even your attitude towards me feels so... familiar. I feel like I can tell you things & you won't go tattle on me to Papa."[/b]