Name: Pericles Alcmaeon Gender: Male Age: 18 City of Origin: Athens Favored God: Athena (the patron god of his city and of all Athenian soldiers) Weapons: Kopis (short curved sword), Hoplon (shield), Javelins Appearance: Pericles is a blonde haired young man. He's fit and well built, but is by no means a muscle bound Titan. He has green eyes and a small scar, running from his forhead to just above his left eye. Personality: Pericles is ambitious, brave and occasionally reckless. He mostly keeps to himself, but can open up to others if they gain his trust. History: Pericles' family was once famous in Athens, but has since fallen on hard times. His grandfather, once an important politician, was accused of corruption by his political enemies, but his father served in the Athenian Marines, and taught his son a thing or two about using a sword. When the chance to go the Paideia Alpha opened up, he jumped at the chance. Dream: The chance to live up to his ancestors and serve his city. Fear: Being useless, not being good enough.