Helen ambled into the classroom, her arms stretching above her head as she made her way to her seat. She made no eye contact with her other classmates, deeming them all unnecessary and a bother – most public school kids were. Man, she wished she was back at the military academy – she can’t believe she’s even thinking this, but she really missed that old drill sergeant. She slouched in her seat once it was reached and leaned forward, her chin fitting perfectly into her palm. Helen’s elbow connected with something flimsy on her desk. Her eyes travelled down to a note, innocently blinking back up at her. Scowling, the brunette snatched the paper off her desk and unfolded it. [i]“Party at my place tonight. 13 Edgewood Drive, 8.30pm. Food and drink will be provided but feel free to bring your own alcohol. You may bring a plus one - the more the merrier! See you there. - Cara"[/i] A party? Who in their right mind would invite her to a party? Cara…Cara…Cara…For five minutes, Helen could not put a face to the name. Until, that is, she lifted her head from the slip of paper to face forward for school when she noticed a bowed girl sitting in front of her. Was this Cara? Helen licked her lips and lifted herself the slightest off her seat. On a piece of paper in front of the anxious girl, in the utmost left corner, was a scribbled name. From the distance it was hard to make out, but Helen could read it well enough: [i]Cara Penny[/i] Now it was only a matter of deciding if she would go or not…