[B]Name:[/b] Tyven Gorman Geier, or just Tyven Geier (GEE-air) [i]Alias:[/i] 'Jäger' [B]Age:[/b] 25 [B]Occupation: [/b] Sprayer [B]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Picture][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-xEY5yDlNSok/UZlhpnv4KiI/AAAAAAAAA1w/9LKK3i8vwtQ/s1600/tumblr_m9s8xvqjQU1r6wq0jo1_500.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Hat + Bandana][img]http://romerobrooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/face.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Usual outfit/what he looks like from a distance][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-g_AYaEz-rbc/UHFjqe0RtdI/AAAAAAAACr8/SzClLxa97hc/s400/25465147906.jpeg[/img][/hider] A collection of thick, bleached hair grows from the top of Tyven's head. It's not long, but it's slick and loosely combed to the side as the other is shaved down to his scalp. He's like someone you would see outside of a mechanic's shop in a 1950's greaser movie, but with way more venom. His face is pretty and has delicate features: high cheekbones and supple, pouty lips. A thin fragrance of opium is always laced around his neck like a collar. Long eyelashes trace the lids of his deep brown puppy-dog eyes that always seem watery. He's mostly caught wearing his nose ring and in his loosely laced combat boots, saggy jeans cuffed up to their tops, lounging around on a corner with a pair of sharp sunglasses. He'll also occasionally wear a hood around his face but not so often that's it's a regular thing. Many days he has a thin, stubbly shadow underneath his sharp jawline simply because he couldn't be bothered with shaving, as it takes more time away from his lounging. He's tall enough to look down upon someone, but still short enough to be intimidated. His facial expression is kept in an unconscious, safe glare and it could come across as snarky. Tyven has an average body type: fit, well-muscled on his arms and legs, carries defined abdominals, all underneath a sun-kissed tan. Small craters of pockmarks are scattered on his face and cheeks from past acne giving him a weathered appearance. On his torso there are several knife scars, obvious fight wounds, and scabs that won't heal. His arms are decorated with black and white tattoos of various origin. Being Tyven, he doesn't like to talk about them. Or maybe he does. [B]Gear:[/b] [b]Bandana[/b]- Used to cover his face while he's working. [b]Hat[/b]- Also used to conceal his identity. [b]Fingerless gloves[/b]- Enhances his grip and also aids in soothing his carpal tunnel. [b]Butterfly blade[/b]- Self defense weapon [b]Pill bottle[/b]- Obvious reasons. Filled with white tablets [b]Backpack[/b]- Used to carry paint and other needed items [B]Personality:[/b] Tyven is emotionally reactive and he has a higher tendency to experience anxiety, anger and depression. However, he's mostly enthusiastic with a tendency in smaller groups to talk and assert himself. Sometimes he feels strong cravings and urges that he has difficulty resisting. Being open-minded to new and unusual ideas helps him to interact with the world. Tyven has a healthy skepticism of the motives of others, and a belief in being self made. Strike up a conversation about Van Gogh or Bach, however, and you've lost him. He finds art and crafty things boring and might even resent you for liking aesthetic value. The majority of his time outside of his life is spent just enjoying sounds and cloud watching alone, for he's quite an old soul. Tyven has a refreshing impulsiveness about him but many times he takes things too far and can be immature and brash, rubbing wrong people the wrong way. But if you tell him you hate him, he's the kind of guy that just laughs in your face. All things aside, though, he's a unique cocktail with a toxic chaser. Although being a 'bad boy' is what he's best at, poor Tyven can feel the pain of others vicariously and is easily moved to pity. However, a superiority complex haunts him and sometimes he's seen as arrogant by other people. Sometimes, a small thing that doesn't go his way can set him off and he experiences panic, confusion, and helplessness when under pressure or stress. Things like leading a large group, making a challenging decision, or figuring out a complex solution can make him panic. Strangely, selecting which cologne to wear or deciding where to take someone out for a date is no trouble at all since he makes these decisions often. Even though he puts up a good front, Tyven has little desire to openly rebel against positions of authority. He's perfectly content to get by with a minimal amount of work, and is seen by others as lazy, but he just thinks that the rest of the world is working too hard. On a battlefield, he knows he way around easily and tends to charge forward rather than hang back for instructions. He could be seen by others as volatile and idiotic. Don't misjudge him however; in a relationship, he likes to wear the pants and might sacrifice everything to save the one he loves. [B]History:[/b] Tyven Gorman Geier, or the man of many lives. His past is all mottled because he leaves things unfinished, burning so many bridges that he can't keep things organized in his head. He was born Jackson Conner in a small town near the north border. His parents worked day jobs and were saving for his college fund like a good family. Everything seemed perfect -- until the party. Long story short: he picked up a habit he couldn't support and ended up on the street. He had to leave everything. Following the abandonment of his own home, Tyven (or Jackson at the time) needed to restart somewhere far from where the past was imprinted. So, he packed up his backpack and hitchhiked to the place where everything seemed to be okay: New Orleans. Upon his arrival, he changed his name. When he heard about the Sprayers, he was living in New Orleans with a few friends and a soon-to-be ex boyfriend. With them, he experienced tragedy intertwined with gang violence, and saw the unfortunate deaths of many people he knew that were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. He slowly tried to distance himself by staying out all night spray-painting buildings and parking garages under the name 'Jäger'. For a while it worked, and under the cloak of night he was like another person. Despite operating illicitly, the authorities know his presence and jail was like a revolving door for him. Eventually he went into hiding for a few years to douse the heat he had gained in the city. All of those exhausting hours alone made him discover himself and realize his full potential. The Sprayers took notice, fortunately, and gained Tyven as an ally. Jäger began operating again, and the authorities took notice. After he severed ties to pursue this newly encountered adventure, he changed his name again and disappeared from history. Another chance to start over for him and his flippant heart. [b]Extra[/b] - Is bisexual - Unfortunately, the losses he had experienced impacted his psyche to the point where he now needs substances to hang onto what coolness he has. Addicted to pills. - A relatively skilled gambler - Panics easily - Lies often - Has arthritis I'd love to have a twist in his story, so if anyone's interested in collaborating PM me.