[quote=Necrosis] Well we could always go with Lex Luthor as orange lantern since that did happen:http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/6/63935/1631502-ol_lex_luthor.jpg*Secertly starts plotting as playing as Wonder Woman who was a Starsapphire*:http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/5/56904/1098589-1085294_wondersaphire_super.jpgOh, your still reading this, just ignore everything I said here. [/quote] Maybe. About Wonder Woman though, right now I don't think I'll be allowing canon characters to become part of a Corps, or even for them to be used as their normal selves. Maybe later I will, or maybe depending on what Larfleeze offers. Wait, Larfleeze actually offered something?!