Im going to post my incomplete version of the character sheet from my phone so I can work better with my tablet. [img=] [b][u]Name[/u][/b]: Roshi Zen [i][u]Nickname/Alias[/u][/i]: [i][u]Gender[/u][/i]: (M) [b][u]Age and date of birth[/u][/b]: 16 [01/08] [i][u]Age Appearance[/u][/i]: 15 [i][u]Sexuality:[/u][/i] Heterosexual [i][u]Parents:[/u][/i] Rolo Zen (Father) Ota Kai (Mother) [i][u]Length and build[/u][/i] 5 feet. 3 inches. Slim and physically toned. [i][u]Weight[/u][/i] 143lbs. [i][u]Favorite weather and season[/u][/i] "I love rain. So many tiny soilder working to cover the planet". SPRINGTIME OF YOUTH. [img=] [b][u]Village[/u][/b]: Amegakure [i][u]Birthplace[/u][/i]: Whirlpool Country [i][u]Organization[/u][/i]: [b][u]Clan/Bloodline[/u][/b]: [b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: [b][u]Chakra Nature[/u][/b]: Water [img=] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b]: [Img=] The image you see above is for physical purposes only. Roshi's attire consists of a high collared short sleeved black shirt (Commonky seen worn by Kohona's Uchiha Clan), black ninja sandals and black shorts. Bandages are wrapped from both ankles to the top of his knees. [img=] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b]: Due to Oto's strict shinobi policies and tutelage Roshi has made it his life mission to be the complete oposite of his mother. He does care much for; rules, procedures, and barely gives into strategy. He believes life is like the ocean. Concepts of fate and destiny are impossible to determine due to the unpredictably of tomorrow. Roshi is extremelly rebellious and bites his tongue for no; man, woman, shinobi, kunochi, not even his respected village kage. He feels he has the rite to exoress himself freely. Young Roshi is known for his rude, profane, and sarcastic comments. Approaching problems in unorthodox manners is his trademark,. Through all the quirks he's quite the scholar. Constantly seen reading various scrolls and text, stregnthening his mind. Thoygh academically in tune, he seems to not strategize. Perfering to act now, deal with consequences later. [img=] [u][b]History[/b][/u]: ●16yrs BIC- Roshi is born to two wandering shinobi. ●16yrs BIC- Infant Roshi is kidnapped by mercenaries who are later on cut down by his father and mother. ●10yrs BIC- Roshi begins training to become an exceptional shinobi. ●9yrs BIC- Ninja Academy enrollment ●7yrs BIC- Due to constant insubordination and disrespect Roshi is forced to finish he academy studies another year. "Roshi is one of our brightest pupils though his attitude is unacceptable". -Academy Teacher ●7yrs BIC- As a consequence to Roshi's behavior; Oto puts her son under a 10 day sparring regime with little to no resting periods. ●7rs BIC- Roshi lashes out against his mother in return Oto nearly cuts her son open "I will not be questioned about the upbringing of my child"! -Oto ●6yrs BIC- Roshi recovers from his injuries and begins training under his not so strict father. "The problem with shapes my son, everyone knows what it is halfway through your drawing" -Rolo ●3yrs BIC- Roshi is allowed back into the Academy. ●2yrs BIC- On a walk outside Amegakure Rolo and Roshi are attacked by two assailants who take Rolo's left arm. A traumatic experience. ●2yrs BIC- Roshi's parents leave him in Amegakure to find his own path. "We've taught you all we can Roshi. Its on you to apply it"- Rolo ●1yr BIC- GRADUATION! !!!!!!! ●0yr BIC- Roshi dreads the day for squad assignment. [i][u]Theme Song[/u][/i]: [img=] [b][u]Weapons/Items[/u][/b][u][/u]: [hider=Weapons or Items] [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] Basic ninja tools [b]Description:[/b] All shinobi carry a small Arsenal of equipment for various uses. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=] [img=] [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [/hider] [img=] [b][u]Skills/Abilities[/u][/b] (What are the skills that make your character good at some points or bad. Chakra control, reflexes and such are needed to be placed here.) [img=] [b][u]Special Traits[/u][/b] (Place unique traits like [i]"High Chakra levels"[/i] or [i]"multiple limbs"[/i] here. If it isn't here it won't be counted, even if you come from the Uzumaki clan, high chakra won't be accepted unless here.) [img=] [b][u]Kekkei Genkai[/u][/b]: None [img=] [b][u]Jutsu[/u][/b]: [hider=Cannon Jutsu] [url=LINK OF THE JUTSU HERE]!NAME OF THE JUTSU HERE![/url [/Hider] [img=] [b][i][u]Custom Jutsu[/u][/i][/b] [Hider=Custom Jutsu] [b]Name of Technique:[/b] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Range:[/b] [b]Nature Type:[/b] [b]Handseals:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Weakness:[/b] ==================== [b]Name of Technique:[/b] [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Range:[/b] [b]Nature Type:[/b] [b]Handseals:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Weakness:[/b] [/hider] [img=] [b][u]Summons[/u][/b] [hider=Summoning(s)] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [i]Age:[/i] (If applicable) [i]Size:[/i] (Small, medium, large, colossal. The size and strength dictate the chakra cost.) [b]Unique Traits:[/b] (Just like the one for you character. This can mean flight for birds, or swimming for fish.) [b]Jutsu:[/b] [/hider]