Hey, there are character sheets in here! That's pretty awesome to wake up to. @Polyphemus: Accepted. Very nice sheet. I love the 90's culture obsession. @Parteebear: Accepted. Thomas's tattoo is going to be the death of me. That's adorable. XD @Sam12435: Accepted. I could see your character being a really effective 'watchman' for the group with all his smoke bombs. @Bad Juju: Of course, make yourself a sheet, we'd love to have you! @Gisk: I'm gonna assume you're adding more to your sheet yet? I loved the idea you PMed me. @Everyone: Just a reminder, the anit-advertisement law is a relatively new thing, only being implemented ten years ago. All of our characters are old enough to remember a time when there was still public advertisement. Just in case that plays into anyone's background or character motivation. ^_^ I'll probably end up doubling up on characters for this one. I'll get started on my sheets now. For now, here's a quick overview of my character concepts: [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/132/4/5/the_painted_lady_by_karenlyn-d4zjh3h.jpg]Lauren "Sass" Hedley:[/url] By day, Lauren works part-time at a small library in downtown Northgate. By night, she becomes Sass, leader of one of the city's most capable Sprayer crews. However, six months ago, her crew was arrested. Two were killed, two were arrested, and Sass managed to escape with only a bullet in her shoulder. Today, she is picking up the pieces of her career as a Sprayer, working to find herself a new crew. Sass is back, and everyone knows it. She'll be the one who gathers everyone together into a crew. Yay teamworks1!!!!11! :D I imagine she'll have particular interest in Gisk's character, considering he was released from prison. [url=http://bodytreats.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/tight-ponytail.jpg]Mallory Teken[/url]: Cold, heartless, and career-driven, Mallory is a rising star in the city's security system. She has no mercy for those who abuse or break the laws. Mallory measures her success by how many criminals land in the jail cell because of her actions. She comes from a family of disrepute, and is driven by the fact that she wants to be better than them. Mallory's got a nice potential for background story with some characters if you guys are interested. :3