[u][b]Last night[/b][/u] After arriving at Fiddler's Green, Wesley stops the 2012 Chrysler 300 SRT8 in front of the bar as both he and Max get out of the vehicle. "I'm going inside for a drink. In the meantime feel free to do whatever you want. I don't know, smoke a cigarrette, listen to some music. I won't stay for too long." Said Max as he arranged his suit and walked inside the club. Wonderful athmosphere tonight. However the satisfaction he had of beying here was quickly blown away as he saw John, one of his dealers, selling drugs in public, in front of everybody. Not even the fact that he was noticed by Sheehan, Connor and other regulars didn't seem to bother him. "Oh my God!" Said Max silently as he facepalmed himself. He then went over to Sheehan, who was talking to others and was keeping an eye on the prick too. "Hey Sheehan! I'm sorry about that. Let me take care of this personally. Trust me! It won't happen again." Said Max with a serious tone as he went over to John, grabbed him by his right arm and started pulling him towards the exit.. "What the hell? Let me go!" He said as he freed himself. However he stunned after he saw he saw Max's face. "Boss? Oh shit I..." He said as he was interrupted by Max who again grabbed him by his left arm pushing him to the exit. "Get in the car now." Said Max with a calm tone as both men entered the car. Wesley, surprised by what he just whitnessed, threw away he cigarrete he was smoking and got in the car too as he turned around and stared at both men. Once inside the car, Max's calm state dissapeared as he delivered a fast punch with his left hand straight in the dealer's face. As his nose started bleeding Max started shouting at him. "What the hell are you thinking? Selling drugs in a public place? In front of everyone? Did you at least realise that you were beying noticed? What if one of those people called the cops huh? Then what? You piece of shit." Max then stopped for a few moments. "Not to mention that you just made me look like a total idiot." Continued Max as he ran the fingers of his right hand through his hair. "Boss, please i'm sorry! I promise it won't happen again." Said the dealer begging for Max's mercy. Max looked at him disguted. "I'm tired of beying surrounded by idoits, i'm tired of giving 2nd chances. It's time to put my foot down. And i'll start with you." Said Max as he looked mean at the dealer as he pulled out an [url=http://www.pvk.com/webcat/media/prodimg/0010/snakewoodxxxlbayo.jpg]18 inch stiletto switchblade[/url] from an inside pocket of his suit. After activating the blade, Max grabbed the dealer by his head and thrusted the blade halfway into his neck. After that he grabbed him by his nose, preventing from breathing. By doing this Max wanted to make the guy die faster. After the dealer died, Max pulled off the switchblade from his neck, cleaned the knife's blade of the blood it had and, pushed the blade inside the handle and put the knife back in the inside pocket from which he took it. "Good one Max! Now what the hell do we do with the body?" Said Wesley who watched the whole scene from the driver's seat. "I'm thinking." Said Max.