[b]Name:[/b] Lauren "Sass" Hedley [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Occupation:[/b] Sprayer [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image:][img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/132/4/5/the_painted_lady_by_karenlyn-d4zjh3h.jpg][/hider] Sass stands at 5'4", shorter than she'd like, with a slim build. Years of sprinting around the city have made her athletic, despite her day job as a librarian. Her arms and legs are slender, but there is muscle clearly defined beneath the skin. During the day, Sass's unruly red hair is her most distinctive feature. At night, she pulls it back into a messy ponytail and covers it with the hood of her thin v-neck sweater. The grey garment is the least colourful piece of clothing she owns, but nondescript enough to allow her some anonymity when painting. The rest of her night time attire consists of slim-fitting black pants, bright red runners, and a [url=http://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/5999921/il_570xN.246572160.jpg] skull-printed bandana[/url] over her face. Her eyes remain uncovered, but she never makes eye contact with the security cameras. During the day, Lauren's clothing is slightly precocious. She has a tendency for deep v-necks and slim-fitting pants. However, sleeveless or shoulderless shirts are out of the question. Lauren's left shoulder is marked by a horrendous [url=http://www.lostinfernal.com/Images/Character/Vampire-Hunter-Estellia-Highlander-Scar.jpg]scar[/url]. The bullet wound is six months old, but damage within the muscle and bones still pains her when she moves her arm the wrong way. [b]Gear:[/b] Sass carries her gear in a dark canvas [url=http://www.vagabondtraveler.com/product/image/cache/data/canvas/C03BLK-900x900.jpg]backpack[/url]. The bag allows her to keep her hands free while sprinting around the city or scaling the side of a building. The main pocket of the bag contains her extensive collection of spray paint. Also contained within the bag is a digital camera, a switchblade, and a small booklet filled with reference pictures and hand-made stencils. [b]Personality:[/b] There's a reason Lauren took on the identity of 'Sass'. She is precocious, confident, and sometimes even slightly arrogant. She knows her views and her beliefs, and stands by them confidently. Dare to contradict her opinion, and chances are you'll get a passionate lecture on the subject. Her temper is just as volatile as her views and opinions. Do something to set Lauren off, and you'll be looking at a violent outburst. She is fiery when angry, and she angers easily. Despite her volatile temperament, Sass is a natural born leader. She always seems to know what to do in a given situation. She plans carefully. Nothing matters more to her than the safety of her crew. As a result, the loss of The Devil's Own, her former crew, causes her feelings of horrible regret to this day. There are nights when she wakes up from nightmares in which she watches them drop from gunfire before her eyes. However, Sass puts up a brave front. To those who know her, she is fearless. It's only when a person gets very close that they realize the damage the loss of her crew did to Sass. [b]Background:[/b] Lauren was born to a fairly well-off family. She was raised well, but was always the kid on the playground who you didn't want to mess with. When the anti-advertisement laws were established, she was ten years old. Even at that age, the girl was a budding anarchist. Dozens of times, she was sent home from school for scratching messages into the paint of girl's washroom stalls. "Free hugs afternoon recess by monkey bars" was her trademark. For a child, it was the most basic form of advertisement. For her teachers, it was a delinquent behaviour that would lead to trouble for her later in life. Lauren's free hugs set the example for her classmates. Every afternoon recess for several weeks straight, the children would gather around the monkey bars and hug one another, laughing as they rebelled against the rules in the most innocent way possible. Eventually, Lauren's schoolyard antics came to an end. She went beyond hugs, scratching messages advertising chocolate bars, folded paper airplanes, and other childhood toys. She also started charging, fifty cents for each of her goods. For a ten year old, she managed to make a good bit of change. When her teachers found out, they gave her one warning. Lauren refused to stop, feeling the need to rebel. She was expelled. In her next school, Lauren kept a lower profile. Her acts of rebellion became subtler. She excelled in art class, but her pieces frequently contained controversial images or a graffiti-esque style. She completed all of the assignments she was given, but always found some way to make them hers. To make them different. In eleventh grade, Lauren became involved in the Sprayer movement. She took on the pseudonym of 'Sass', a nickname several of her classmates had already taken to calling her when she back-talked her teachers. By the time she graduated, Sass was piecing together her own crew, "The Devil's Own". After a year, The Devil's Own were famous throughout the city. Their tags were known. Their monikers were on the tongues of Sprayers everywhere. Even their art styles could be recognized. The crew consisted of Sass, [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs25/f/2008/101/d/e/Masked_by_conzpiracy.jpg]Kraut[/url], [url=http://static.fashionbank.ru/blogs/2012/12/b/31527_32249077.jpg]Scarecrow[/url], [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130722232328/codfanfic/images/2/20/Michael_Rivers_5.jpg]Trigger[/url], [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/209/6/c/short_hair_girl_by_kinohara_kossuta-d5gcbkv.jpg]Mouse[/url], and [url=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs12/PRE/i/2006/282/e/c/Hacker_by_epiLizard.jpg]Data[/url]. The six of them were unstoppable...almost, anyways. Six months ago, a job went wrong. The six of them were working on a huge mural, an advertisement for a struggling clothing boutique, when Scarecrow and Trigger sounded the alarm. They'd been sighted, and law enforcement were on their way. Even though the crew wasted no time in sprinting away, they didn't make it. Trigger was gunned down first. Data fell when he went back for his friend, and took a bullet to the brain. Mouse, Scarecrow, and Kraut were subdued and arrested. Sass took two bullets to the shoulder, but kept sprinting. She returned to her tiny apartment, where she began the bloody task of removing the bullets. With a pair of kitchen shears and a set of tweezers, the job was messy. She nearly lost consciousness several times. When Sass finally managed to get herself bandaged up, she had nearly bled out. She hasn't painted since then. For weeks, Sass mourned the loss of her friends. The guilt of letting her crew suffer harm weighed heavy on her. Finally, she began going out again after curfew. She found her old paintings, all tagged with a bold red 'X'. But she also found others. New artists, painters without crews, ones she had neglected to notice when she'd still had The Devil's Own at her side. Finally, Sass brought a can of red paint with her. She painted a red 'X' beside the paintings of a few of her favourite artists, along with cryptic clues as to where to meet her. Sass is back, and she's gathering a crew.