[center][img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/35/e1/92/35e1923dc60718d7995e4fe967c11f17.jpg] Name: Carissa Keen/Anarcho Age: 24 Occupation: Sprayer Appearance: Carissa's clothes are usually ragged and dirty, embroidered with logos of punk bands she enjoys. She has lots of tattoos, usually of her own art with anti-establishment sayings and such. Taller than average (about 6 feet tall) and quite skinny. Gear: Spray paint, a black bandanna and small paint mask for spraying, an antique MP3 player with earbuds for listening to music Personality: Usually very relaxed and downbeat, when not tagging she's at "home" and listening to music, however if you get her angry her temper is not to be underestimated and can get quite unruly at times. Background: She was raised in the city by a more lower class family. She tried to grow up normally, she went to school and had friends. Most of her friends were really into anarchist and socially liberal music as most teens were at the time so she also got into her fair share of protesting and delinquency as the world slowly fell apart around her. Though she liked her family well enough she couldn't bring herself to be a burden to them, with the low amount of rations her family was given on welfare she didn't want to seem like she was taking all their food, so when she was in her senior year of high school she ran away from home and tried to become completely off the grid. She squats in old abandoned houses outside the new metropolis, and couch surfs with friends if she really needs to be in the city. All her transactions are done in cash only and she pays off an old friend who works as a data entry clerk to help keep her off camera and off records which allows her to get away with not paying bills and not being seen. Extra: Bisexual (4 on the Kinsey scale), smoker, athletic and engages in "parkour" in order to get to the best spots and away from the cops as quickly as possible, passionate about punk rock and 90s indie rock (Modest Mouse, Pavement, Sonic Youth, [url=http://8tracks.com/she-likes-cloth/burst-eardrums]here's[/url] a sample)[/center]