There was no worry of being late to school ever when it came to Ivy. She was always promptly on time, but today had been different. Her parents had dropped her off that day instead of her normal required morning walk, berating her with tasks before she exited the vehicle. [i] "Ivy, did you do your homework?"[/i] [i] "Ivy, did you do your chores?"[/i] [i] "Ivy, don't forget about your piano practices after school!"[/i] [i] "Ivy, don't forget to go to the administration office to look into any volunteer work you can do for the school and the community!"[/i] All answers were replied with a very calm and quiet [i] "Yes."[/i] If someone didn't know any better, the girl could have been mistaken for a robot. [i] "Ivy, I don't know what has gotten into you lately, being late for class is unacceptable, please think about your actions, don't let us catch you doing this again."[/i] Throwing her large black backpack over her back after hopping out of the car. She gave a sullen wave to her parents as they sped off to their job at the town's dental offices. It wasn't that she enjoyed her parent's love and attention, and it wasn't that she was abused by them in anyway. At least, not physical abuse. Rolling up her sleeves Ivy walked into school and quickly to class. Her boots clicked across the tile as her arms swung in a quick and dedicated motion. Tears welled up in her slate colored eyes, in all her years attending school she hadn't been late- ever. [i] "I'm so stupid."[/i] she grumbled rolling up her sleeves once again as they had fallen from her constant arm movement. Her gaze bounced up as she watched her classmate Nate rush in. [i] "Even he beat me today...and he's [b]always[/b] late." [/i] she sighed, she would have to punish herself for this later. Entering the classroom she sat in her desk as fast and as quietly as she could, putting her bag down quietly and taking her jacket off. She let the pale pink jacket hang on the back of her chair, barely settling down before she was leaning to the side to get her supplies out of her backpack. Taking out a notebook, pen, her planner, and pencil, she timidly adjusted in her chair using one of her hands to sweep all her hair to her left shoulder. Nate, Issac, and Cara speaking close to her had gone out one ear and out the other, Ivy was way too worried to be listening, even though her attention to detail was something she held close. Shuffling her feet a little she heard something scrape across the floor that didn't sound right. Her eyes widened as she peeked under her desk. A bright piece of paper stared backed at her. [i] "Odd."[/i] Ivy thought to herself as she used the toe of her boot to inch the note closer to her before leaning down once again to pick up the note. She curiously read the note: [quote=Curious Note]Party at my place tonight. 13 Edgewood Drive, 8.30pm. Food and drink will be provided but feel free to bring your own alcohol. You may bring a plus one - the more the merrier! See you there. - Cara[/quote] Ivy's eyebrows raised, [i]"A party?" [/i] she pondered, [i]"That is what they must have been talking about.." [/i] she continued her inner thoughts as her search of eyes landed on Cara. [i]"I would never have thought Cara would have thrown a party, let alone invite.. me." [/i] the thoughts continued as Ivy refolded the paper and shoved it into the right pocket on her jacket. Party details could not be thought about at this moment, she had so much to do today in so little time. Alas, the party plagued her mind constantly. [i]"Well maybe just this once." [/i] Ivy thought as the first genuine smile in months crossed her lips.