I was listening to a beautiful song, King by Lauren Aquilina, when I suddenly realised something after pondering an RP dealing with an immortal being and a human lover. The scenario in my head is the idea of loving someone as an immortal and being cursed to never age while all around you wither and die. The dilemma I formed in my mind was the idea of having a child with this person, the child also being mortal, and asking the simple question; [i]Is it better to walk away or stay until the ultimate end?[/i] I felt it could really play with the heart and mind for many people. You love this person with all your heart but you'll always know that you can never grow old with them. Which one would be the most caring and kind of the two? To be with them or to walk away? Their does not have to be a child involved, that was the scenario in my head.What do you all think on this? Would you walk away?