And by the way guys, this is my plan for my character: 1. Even though he seems to be doing nothing, if given the chance he would do anything to destroy Vorak to end the war and their atrocities. Because he used to be a high-level Voraki official, he could easily help someone to infiltrate the capitol or stage an attack. He has a large array of mechanical weapons that he built, running on oil and not souls, in the hidden room of his house, behind the black cabinet. 2. Dividend, in case you hadn't guessed, is an artifact weapon. It is a hatchet that when held divides into 2 hatchets, one for each hand. Any non-living thing it strikes is split into 2 smaller versions of itself, with size of the original object as a limitation of course. The demon sealed inside of it is named Legati, a demonic soldier whose head has 2 faces, each with a distinct personality. The curse of this weapon is that it also splits the personality of its weilder, causing them to have violent mood swings. Every one of its previous wielders went insane and either killed themselves or were killed for bloody crimes. Because of this, Zucabr will not wield it, but he would gladly give it to someone who is already insane enough that the axe would have no noticeable effect on him/her.