I'm going to assume that Gerontis never explained anything about my absence and I don't have the time to read up on everything yet so... [b]I'm back![/b] But seriously, the story goes that I've been using a (badass) TV as a computer monitor for a long time now. Well, the TV suddenly decided to stop working. So that kinda screwed me good because I had no way of using my computer (or my PS3, but that's irrelevant right now). I hadn't managed to replace it so far, but I got a hold of a temporary replacement. Even so, it's good enough for me to use so I'm going to spend the next couple days catching up. I apologize to all those inconvenienced by my sudden absence, and since I don't know if it was announced or not that I didn't just fall off the face of the Earth... well now I know it's been announced that I didn't fall off the face of the Earth.