[center]Protettore's gaze fell to the floor and he fumbled nervously with his fingers. " Um......" He tried to think. It had felt like weeks since his parents were taken, but Protettore knew this wasn't so, it was just his mind playing tricks on him. " It's been.....twelve days. They were taken....by pirates!" Suddenly, his eyes gre cold as he dragged his gaze to look up at the two men infront of him, " Pirates like you!" ☆ trixxtal ☆ The small boy was trying his best to look stern and intimidating, but after living with Jecht for x amount of time, Trixxtal had become immune to any piercing glare that wasn't Jecht's. Instead, a smile spread across his lips. Dropping the picture on the bed, Trixxtal wrapped his arms around the boy's small frame and hugged him tight, nuzzeling his cheek on Protettore's head. " Oh! I've waited so long to meet you!!" Happiness overwhelmed him, even after just hearing that his brother and sister-in-law had been captured. Atleast they weren't dead and rather than meeting a little baby, Trixxtal had a child as a nephew! Pulling away and allowing the boy to breathe, Trixxtal smiled fondly at him, " I'm your uncle! Oh! You can't imagine how much I wanted to meet you! Oh! This Jecht," He jestured over to the man behind him, not bothering to go into any more detail about their relationship, " And don't worry. I'll do everything in my power to save your parents! Afterall, I can't abandon my brother like that!" Turning around, Trixxtal looked over at Jecht, " We are going to save them, right?"[/center]