[center] The way Protettore stared at them was like a chihuahua trying to bark and scare two pitbulls. Jecht looked at himself in the mirror everyday, so the the ugly look Protettore had on his face didn't affect him much. However... Slightly impressed by how the frightened boy dared to glare at him and Trixxtal, Jecht wondered how much potential Protettore had at becoming a powerful vampire. Unlike himself or Trixxtal, the child was a pureblood, which meant that with proper training and enough time Protettore could grow into a stronger vampire than the two adult vampirates in the room. Because Jecht was caught up in his own thoughts, he only heard the last bit of Trixxtal's lovely speech. "Of course, if that's you wish, Trixxtal."he agreed, wondering how in the world he was supposed to find them. He couldn't just ask another captain, "LOL SUP BRO, DID YOU KIDNAP MY LOVER'S BROTHER AND HIS BROTHER'S WIFE?" and expect to rescue them that way. He would have to fight and defeat the enemy crew and then search for Protettore's missing parents. And he couldn't completely annihilate the ship either, so he wouldn't accidently kill them. Pirate ships usually attacked each other first and asked questions later, so Jecht had a feeling that it would take awhile. "By the way, Protettore, you're coming with us on our ship and staying with us until we rescue your parents."he declared, not giving him a chance to refuse. Jecht suddenly gave a warm smile towards Trixxtal and Protettore, though there was still something terrifying about the way he spoke. "And I'm going to train you to become strong, so that if your parents are ever in danger again, you can save and protect them yourself. And more importantly, destroy those who have hurt you and your family. Sound good? Alright, glad you and Trixxtal agree, start packing your things. We need to hurry if we want to save your parents." Then the captain looked at Trixxtal. "I'll go into the town and search for clues so I know where to sail the ship. Help Protettore with his things and then meet me at the FlyingDeath when you're done with things here..."he instructed, acting like his usual bossy self. He gave a small wave farewell at the two vampires before he left. [/center]