[center]( *whispers* ollllldddd wrrrriiiittttiiinnnggg) " B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but...!" Protettore tried to tell Jecht that there was no way that he was going to step foot on a pirate ship, but the man's face alone was enough to make him remain silent. He could only watch as Trixxtal, his "uncle" nodded to the scary pirate's words and blew him a kiss goodbye. " See ya later honeybunny~!" But as soon as the door closed behind Jecht, Trixxtal dropped onto the bed, making Protettore dive out of the way if he wanted his life to be spared. From the bed, he could hear sobbing and loud moaning. Suddenly, little Protettore was confused. " U-um...a-are you....are you okay?" He tried to reach out to touch his uncle's shoulder, but before he could, Trixxtal shot up into a sitting position, hugging a pillow to his chest, tears streaming down his cheeks. " No! I'm not okay! My dear older brother, my precious Alexandre was taken and there isn't anything I can do about it now! I just have to wait for Jecht to find something out, and who knows if that will even work!" Still confused about the sudden personality change, Protettore reached out and gently petted his uncle's arm for comfort, " I'm sure he'll find something..." He felt like he was supposed to the be one crying like a child, not his full grown uncle! And just like that, Trixxtal sniffed once, twice, and then his sobbing stopped completely, tears and all. " Thanks. I don't like for Jecht to see me crying like that." The blond haied pirate sighed and stood up, moving Protettore out of the way, and flipping his hair out of his face, " Now, I'll help you pack! Ooo. Kkkk. Aaa. Yyy~?" He smiled sweetly. This was the first hint Protettore got about how his life would be like on the FlyingDeath. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to be excited, or terribly horrified. Thirty minutes later, Trixxtal had all of Protettore's clothes, personal items and any other valuable items all packed away into two rucksacks. The pirates who had invaded the house before had taken mostly everything, but Protettore managed to keep some valuable things, like this parents wedding rings, a couple family pictures and other things like that. He silently said his goodbyes to the house and followed Trixxtal outside to the abandoned streets. He explained that their ship wasn't docked too far away and that the walk would be short. On the way there, Protettore asked Trixxtal a few things about his life, such as: " How do you drink blood on a pirate ship?" " Do you get into any pirate battles?" " How long have you known the guy with the scary face?" " Can I have a dog on board?" By the time they reached the ship and Trixxtal helped him on it, he knew everything there was to know about being a pirate! Well, as much as an eight year old needed to know. [/center]