[center] Six long hours passed before Jecht jumped onto the ship with rainbow colored sails. A scowl on the vampirate's face, he walked across the deck with a huge bag in his arms. He found a random crew member and immeadiately walked over to him. "Welcome back captain!"greeted the vampire, only for Jecht to shove the bag into his arms. "I've gathered some food for the humans, make sure this gets stored properly and keep everything from spoiling for as long as possible. Don't forget that what the humans eat is what us vampires eat. It spoils, you will pay."explained Jecht, glaring into the eyes of the lower ranked vampirate. "Y-yes Captain..."he muttered, fearful for his life. "Hurry up and get to it!"commanded Jecht, on the verge of yelling. The vampire scurried off like a rat to fulfill the captain's orders, bumping into another crew member due to his panicked frenzy. "Arrggh watch where yer goin!"scolded the other vampire, raising his fist in the air at the one with the bag. Jecht frowned at the scene and slightly parted his lips, glaring into the soul of the second vampire. "Don't just stand around while other crew members are working! If you have time to yell at those doing their job then make yourself useful and mop the deck."the captain threated. Jecht held out his arm and, like one of those wizards from Harry Potter summoning brooms, a mop emmerged from a cuboard and levitated at Jecht's whim. The vampire that pissed off Jecht soon felt the mop in his hands and he sighed, hanging his head in shame as he went to go clean. Jecht's mood was becoming worse and he shook his head, continuing his walk on the deck and speaking to a female vampirate. "Alert the crew that we will be setting sail in one hour. We are heading for Never Island."he informed the woman, knowing that she was a reliable crew member."Aye aye Captain!"she responded. Jecht, now that he took care of the small business, walked towards Trixxtal's room. It had been a tedious task searching for clues in a nearly deserted town but he managed to track down a vampire that was hiding out in a human home. The house belonged to a young human couple who had offered to hide the vampire from the pirates that raided the town twelve days ago in exchange for protection. "If you don't want more pirates destroying what's left of this town, then tell me what you know."threatened Jecht. The vampire, wanting to keep his promise to the human couple and protect them, felt he had no choice but to obey Jecht's command. "There's a group of vampirates that hunts down both vampires and humans. Sometimes they kill and sometimes they kidnap...I don't know what their goal is, but they're infamous." Then the vampire described the pirate ship and Jecht nodded, satisfied with the vampire's answer, and left the house without harming them. It made sense to him that he had no knowledge of an infamous group since news travelled slow on the seas. He spent a few more hours tracking down clues to where he could find the pirate ship's destination and he ended up finding a wizard in a bar. After getting him drunk by buying him drinks, Jecht tricked him into giving him a magical item that would help track down the ship he was looking for. And that item was now in his pocket, a golden hook that guide Jecht when steering the FlyingDeath."Place it on your -hiccup!- hand and it -hiccup!-will take you to -hiccup!- Never Island~"the wizard had explained. "They hide -hiccup- there..." Jecht was unsure whether he could trust the information he received from the drunken wizard, but he had no other leads. After he received the golden hook, he spent an hour stealing food from empty houses to stock up for the journey. The only reason he returned to the ship in a bad mood was the realization that he and Trixxtal wouldn't be able to dine on some delicious Italian pasta... Pasta still plagued his mind even when he arrived at Trixxtal's cabin. Like always, Jecht barged into the first mate's room without knocking after his flashback was over by kicking the door. His hands were busy tying his beautiful, flowing hair back into it's normal ponytail so he had no choice but to use his feet. "Trixy, I've found some leads..."he announced as he entered the room, prepared to explain what he found. [/center]