Still turned away from his servants Alexi raises and eyebrow when Joseph speaks up. [i]'I suppose it isn't that unusual. He was broken quite some time ago, so the hold must be waning. . . Not only that, I think he may actually have a level of concern for me, despite his position as a slave'[/i] Turning slowly around he keeps his face neutral to not frighten the male. Behind him the last of the cleaning servants are leaving the room. Several look in their direction, looks of unease and in some cases fear apparent on their faces. While Master Alexi has never been a cruel man, on occasion he will do something on accident that will drive home the fact they are slaves. Most such occasions were following his orders being questioned. However the master of the house is a rather sentimental man, and when he looks upon the creature that helped raise him he feels no real resentment at being second guessed by him. [i]'The guy did raise my brother and me. Heh, I remember when he could still take the switch to us when we did something particularly stupid. Yes, I think he may actually be concerned for my safety'[/i] With a light sigh he watches the last few slaves leave before turning his full attention to Joseph. He thinks for a little while exactly what to say until at last he settles on something simple, if cryptic. “Joseph, I ask for these things because they are what is needed. Not only for my sake, but for the sake of all. I am going to undertake something dangerous, but the gain will far outweigh the danger should I succeed.” With another smile he again motions for the male to go. “I thank you for your concern, my old friend. . .” The last three words are whispered so only Joseph's ears would catch them. ~*~*~*~*~*~ With expert stealth Mois follows the rebels through the building, his eyes never loosing track of his target. He watches carefully how the vampires moves, studying him as he does his snipe targets. [i]'I have to know how he will move, possible motions that may disrupt my shot. Vampires do not have beating hearts so my target area is particularly small'[/i] His thumbs run smoothly over his holsters to make sure the guns are free and easily drawn. [i]'This stuff has an almost explosive dispersion through the body, so as long as I hit the right spot he should drop like a rock after being hit'[/i] His eyes shift from side to side, taking in those closest to the rebel leader. [i]'Two more vampires, I can drop them too, but given their reaction time they will not provide as clean a shot as my main target'[/i] With an internal sigh Mois stops when those in front of him do. [i]'Bro owes me big for this one'[/i] He watches carefully as the rebels disperse about the area, getting ready for the attack. He stills his breathing, his body primed and ready. [i]'I only have a few seconds after the bullets start flying to down him and get him out of the way. My men will attack soon after the rebels do. They brought too small a force for these. My men will have them down in no time. But then again, this guy thought he was just dealing with slavers, so I can not fault him'[/i] And then it begins. The sound of weapons clearing their projectiles fills the air and in one smooth motion Mois pulls his guns and takes a bead on the leader. With a final exhale he fires. Both needles fly true and an instant after striking the leader falls to the ground. Those closest to him pause, and lucky for the elder bother they are more confused than he could have hoped for and he drops them. Not a second later his own men begins storming the place, having followed the rebels in as he did but from different parts of the building. From above men come dropping down on lines and Mois takes that as his cue to move. Rushing forward he scoops up the unconscious vampire and backtracks out of the building with haste. In the dim light he can not see the man clearly but as he steps out under the moonlight he glances down as his brother’s prize. [i]'He seems rather small for once his age. Perhaps he was made young'[/i] Mois has no real opinions on the non-human populace, and other than his family's slaves he's never even spoken to them on purpose. [i]'Brother on the other hand. . .'[/i] Mois rolls his eyes and leaves his men to clean up. He carries the unconscious creature to his own personal vehicle he took to the attack and after placing him in the back seat, the elder Vandros heads for his homestead. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Alexi practically dances around with glee as his brother pulls up the long driveway. Bouncing on the balls of his feet he waits impatiently for Mois to shut the vehicle down and step out into the night. Rushing down to his brother he tries to see past him only to have the elder give him a stern look. “Alexi, you do know you are crazy, right brother? The things I have risked tonight. . .” Mois tries to keep a stern tone to his voice, however one look from his brother lets him know that his worries fall on deaf ears. With a sigh he turns to the large four door and pulls open the back door. Grumbling lightly as Alexi tries to get a glimpse at the vampire he pulls the man carefully out and presents him to the delighted younger man. For the first time Alexi stills and his eyes grow soft. His hand moves slowly forward and stops, hovering over the vampire's forehead. “This is my dream my dear brother. This is the key to it all.” Mois simply nods. He does not know if his brother's plan will work, but he will not deny that it has strong merits. Drawing his hand back Alexi turns on his heel and strides swiftly inside. [i]'We can not have many of the servants seeing him. I know some of them would get it back to the rebellion that we have him, and we can not have that'[/i] The brothers walk silently through the house, the halls eerily silent. Before Mois had arrived Alexi had ordered all the slaves to stay in their rooms until dawn, and for the most part he knows that they will listen However since most are either soft broken or simply collared there are no guaranties. Luck is on their side this night though, and all of them have listened. They reach the bedroom of the master of the house without incident. Mois raises and eyebrow at his brother, having not personally studied the binding rituals he is openly confused about the proximity of such a dangerous creature to his little brother. Alexi spots the look and simply smiles and motions for the vampire to be placed on the bed. Once that is done Alexi takes up the chains, tugs them a few times to make sure they are secured properly, and with his teeth clenched snaps on the first manacle. His breath hisses out between his teeth as the sealing spikes pierce almost through to the nail. Picking up the second one carefully he repeats the process then steps back. His smile is still soft and full of admiration. Mois rolls his eyes again and snatches up some prepared bandages sitting on his small side table and binds his brother's thumbs carefully. “Well, you've done it. He's your now. Wha-” He is stopped by Alexi shaking his head. Standing upright the elder Vandros raises an eyebrow once more. “Not yet, dear brother. . .” Alexi murmurs. “Not just yet. . .” Mois stand still for a few minutes, just watching his younger brother admire the sleeping figure. Then silently he walks over and takes hold of the back of the taller male's head. Leaning his own head in he pulls his brother forward to press their foreheads together. “I don't, I. . .” His voice fails him,but Alexi smiles in understanding. “I know, I am sorry.” With that he kisses his brother's forehead and Mois leaves silently. Turning he slowly steps backwards until his knees hit his bed. Sitting upon the mattress he scoots slowly back across the fine covers, his eyes never leaving his prize, until at last he comes to settle back against the headboard. There he waits, a smile on his lips, and a twinkle in his eye.