[u][b]Last night[/b][/u] Max arrives at the apartment building where his condo was located, on the to floor. After getting out of the car Max heads to Wesley and signals him to slide down the window. After Wesley does that, Max leans down. "Remember what we discussed. You dump the asshole in the Missouri River and afterwards take the car with you home. See you in the morning." Said Max as he left. "Okay Max!" Responded Wesley as he slided the window back up revved the Chrysler and drove away. As he entered the building, saluted the doorman ans walked towards the elevator, Max started thinking. This turned out to be one ugly day. One problem after the next. Hopefully tomorow will be better. Fortunately for him there was always someone home, waiting for him. That someone was Jenna, Max's girlfriend. The two used to be together in high school but they broke up after one year of dating. As of two years ago they got back together and have been that way ever since. Jenna was Max's support and the only good thing left in his life. She knew that he was a drug lord but she chose to stay by his side. Even Max himself was surprised by her choice after she told him the truth. Jenna justified herself by telling him that the only thing she cares about and wants from him is his love and respect. And thank God for her she was getting plenty of both. [hider=Jenna] [img=https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3806/13559285554_e219e1895f_b.jpg] [/hider] After he entered the condo Max found Jenna walking around the house, all wet and covered only by a large white towel. A smile imidieatly appeared on his face as he came close to Jenna and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hmm, what are you doing up so late!" Said Max as he started kissing her neck and left elbow. Jenna smiled herself as she placed her right hand on Max's head as he was doing that. "I did a shower and I waited for you to come home." She responded. "Well now I am home." Said Max as Jenna turned around and both of them started kissing. Then Max lifted Jenna up on his arms and took her to the bedroom where they continued what they started in the living room. [u][b]The next morning Time: 09:34 AM[/b][/u] "Wake up sunshine!" Said Jenna with a soft voice as Max woke up yawning. "Is it morning yet?" He asked with half a voice. "It sure is!" Said Jenna with a smile on her face. "You know? I was thinking, while you were sleeping and I was watching you sleep. I think we should take our relationship to the next level." She said. Max didn't like the sound of that. "As in marriage?" Said Asked Max surprised. "No silly! You know very well I don't believe in that. I meant that we should have a child." Said Jenna. Max was left stunned at such news from his girlfriend. "Jenna, you know very well what I do for a living. It's bad enough that I am putting you in danger with this life I live. But a child? No. Definetly not. Maybe someday. Depending how things evolve in my life." Said Max as he got up from the bed and started getting dressed. "I'm 30 years old Max. You're 33. That "someday" you spoke about may be too late." Said Jenna with a dissapointed voice as she went straight to the bathroom. As Max was getting dressed his cellphone ringed. It was Wesley. "Hey Max. I'm outside, with the car. I did what you asked me last night. I ditched the body and I went home with the car. And I was careful not to be seen too." Said Wesley as he was walking around and smoking a cigarrette. "Excellent. I'm, coming down now." Said Max as he put the cellphone in the pocket of his pants and finished dressing himself up. He then went to the bathroom where Jenna was brushing her teeth. "I need to go. See you later! I love you and try to understand. A child is the last thing we need right now!" Said Max as he and Jenna kissed and then he quickly left the condo and took the elevator down. After exiting the building both Max and Wesley get inside the car as Wesley starts it and drives away. "Take me to the abandoned building where we keep Tommy hostage. I think it's time for me and him to finally have a small chat face to face." Said Max as his cellphone rang again. "Sheehan?" Answered Max surprised. After hearing his question Max felt a little surprised at his sudden interest on what happened to his dealer last night. "Does it even matter what happened to him? What's important is that I got him out of there before something bad happened. Trust me, I had no idea what he was doing there. All dealers, not just those working for me, know very well that you never sell drugs in public places and in the eyes of everyone. But if you really wanna know I guess I can trust you enough to tell you." Said Max as he paused for a few seconds. "Let's just say I sent him on a permanent vacation. And the only place he's ever gonna sell drugs in anymore is hell. I hope Satan likes meth." Finished Max as he waited for Sheehan's reply.