Argutus Complex "I have created a new weapon design to demonstrate" The Argutus on the podium said, and there was a pause as the crowd of Argutus looked on. Weaponry technology wasn't the most active area. The Argutus continued "It came to my attention that plasma is relatively slow and might be dodged by hostiles at longer ranges, even if very fast a short. This disadvantages our snipers... So I have devised a new weapon. Behold! Hardlight weaponry!" He said, as a hologram lit up and displayed differing types of weaponry "Hardlight particles, travelling at the speed of light, deadly to the target they impact with! Impossible to dodge! A single shot from this weapon would kill any unarmoured and many armoured targets, smashing through them at the speed of light and destroying them. One of the few effective ways to counter them would be shielding. Perfect for snipers." "Are you suggesting we replace plasma weaponry?" One of the crowd questioned "Not at all! Hardlight would be used in complementary to the plasma weapons. Hardlight is accurate, but it can't be fired automatically like some plasma weapons can. No, hardlight would be used for snipers and designated marksmen, while our conventional plasma weaponry would be used by other troops." "How are you going to do this?" "I have made many changes to the Hard Light components we use to create hardlight bridges. They are now much smaller, able to fit into the weapon, and able to change energy into light, and then compound it into hardlight. Being light, the shots are already travelling at the speed of light, meaning in the majority of battle situations the impact would be near instantaneous. No target could ever dodge it." "I see... why can't it be fired automatically?" "The generator is currently incapable of that, though maybe one day we will be able to achieve such a thing." "What weaponry have you conceptualised?" "A Hardlight rifle, which is a designated marksman rifle. It is a semi automatic rifle that is able to engage targets at long ranges with accuracy and ease. It has two fire modes. The first is a burst of three shots, and the second is a focused shot. The focused shot is more powerful than the three shot burst, more accurate and longer range, but the three bursts are better for shorter range engagements. Then there is the Hardlight Sniper rifle. A single shot from this should instantly kill any target, and even vehicles. Highly accurate, highly deadly," "Does anyone else have this?" "None of the other known races have this weapon technology." "The Equiis?" "Even with their increasing rate, this is a millennia ahead of them at the very least... but why are you talking about them? If you ask me, we should Collectivise them immediately, they seem to have a goal which could very much require our assistance and if we joined with them, their technology would sky rocket, together we could..." "The Equiis pact would never submit to Collectivisation, and their treaty is incompatible with our own system. Joining it would cripple us. That thought is incompatible with the greater good" "Thought stricken. Back to the task at hand. I have already produced working prototypes, complete with self destruct sequences to prevent their capture in the field. A top of this, I am continuing my research into Hardlight technology, and the next step would be to make automatic hard light weapons. Imagine, a machine gun that would fire at the speed of light, tearing through flesh as it goes. No one could stop the greater good." He turned, leaving the podium and taking his seat at the bottom. Another Argutus stood, and quickly rushed to the podium "This technology is brilliant... but why kill the enemy when you can control them?" "What is it that you are thinking?" The Argutus who had first spoken asked, and the one on the podium grinned "The biological mind is a pandora's box of energy we have been manipulating on an individual basis since we began. Now, most brains are only receivers, this is the kind we see in most other sentients, but some, like our own, are advanced; sending and receiving charges as they choose." The Argutus said, then raised his hand towards the hologram, which changed to reveal a strange looking device, with an antennae of sorts and three rotating prongs coming off of it "This is my Psionic Beacon. With it, we can send any energy message we want on a massive scale. It is enough to cover an area the size of Videt and it's surrounding area. If we are able to deploy this to the cities of our enemies, then they will be ours. Mind, body... and if you'd like, soul." "Does it work?" "I would not demonstrate it if it didn't, Parem Habui" "Plans from here?" "I am working on another version... the Psionic Amplifier. With it, entire planets could be taken under our control, if we were able to deploy it in the correct location..." "I sense a drawback..." "To my disappointment, yes. While the Psionic beacon, being on a much smaller scale, with attack the minds of any within it's radius regardless of it's deployment zone, the Amplifier is not as forgiving on placement. Due to the electromagnetic fields and energy fields of planets, I sense there would be approximately four places per planet that it could be deployed. If it was deployed anywhere else, it would not be able to subject the planet" "Time?" "With the Psionic beacon, it should take about thirty minutes to fully subject the location around the beacon. The Psionic Amplifiers time is unknown, but I believe it would be at least five hours" "Level required?" "I believe only the strongest of Psionics could use the Amplifier... an individual would need their psionics and then Intelligence mark of at least 115 (Earth IQ: 920) and..." "So the average Field Master would be able to use it..." "Yes, but his underlings would be unlikely to be able to interface with it correctly." "And the beacon?" "Mark of at least 102 (Earth IQ: 816)" "Well within the limits of most Triarii in that case then." "Indeed, this is with fine tuning to the Triarian Form, if I hadn't tuned it's neural relays we would be looking at a much higher number" The Argutus said, as he turned, grinning at the attention and slowly leaving the podium. Another stepped up to the podium "I have my work to put forwards as well." He said, raising his hand to the hologram as it changed to a strange looking weapon "This is the Dark Energy Rifle. It works by firing minute Dark Energy shots at a target from a miniature dark energy generator within. A deadly weapon, anything the shots come into contact with would be destroyed as the shots burrow their way through. It has two modes of fire. An automatic, which would fire shots towards enemy targets, a launcher for a Dark Energy ball, that would plough through anything it hits and could be 'controlled' by the user of the weapon." "Miniature dark energy generator?" "Yes, you heard correctly... it's power is about enough to fire the weapon for thirty rounds at a time, or a single energy ball, after which it will need to regenerate... to remedy this, it had four of these small reactors contained in cells,cycling around this section of the gun at the press of a button. The cells will be regenerated by the Dark Energy within as they head around, and after reaching the barrel of the gun will be fully charged and available for use." "Stable?" "It is in development, the technology for the miniaturised generator is still in development, but once it is done the weapon will be able to be produced" "This sounds like it will require significant resource investment once it is completed to produce" "Yes, I would advise making it an Elite weapon, allowing Elites to choose to field this weapon" "Self destruct?" "Upon the users death, the four generators will be destabalised, producing a small version of the same self destruct we use on our ships, The weapon will be completely destroyed, along with some of the soldier using it" He said, turning and heading off the podium. Another Argutus stood, heading up to present his sections project Sanctum "Stage four complete" The report came, and the world now had planetary energy shielding ready to be deployed if necessary, All the buildings that had been placed on the tubes reconfigured themselves into something else, from manufactures to defenses to living quarters, the new world was produced, ready for usage as a fortress of sorts The environment and it's structures were stunning... but the Overlord was not impressed. The Overlord grimaced, he wasn't impressed with the overall quality, more could be done.