Helen sighed at the interruption of her thoughts which revolved around lizards, for some unknown reason. Her head rolled from its laid-back position and stared at Cara unabashedly. Cara seemed to twitch under her scrutiny and Helen almost felt bad for the girl. Going to a party sounded like it would be much more of a hindrance than it was worth; people would be jumping and bouncing and dancing and kissing all throughout. This is, of course, not mentioning the tipsy drunk guys and clingy intoxicated girls. However, tonight was family night. Family night always ended up with someone being tied to a tree in their pajamas with the sprinklers going off. Granted, she's only been tied to the tree once and it was most likely her older brother who was living off of them like the bum he is. But, her older brother is quite annoying and she likes to avoid him as often as she can. Helen found herself nodding before she could think on it anymore. She was probably going to regret this...but what is the worst that could happen?