[b]Sazkarjhia Archaeological Registry Index File No. 1032: The Moguhls[/b] [i]9.21.2130[/i] One of the few groups with different religions tolerated in Zarwaunist Sazkarjhia, the Moghuls are a small group of people nestled high in the Darab Mountain Range in the Daraban Region. They practice a religion, more so structured as a set of governmental and family practices rather than religious devotion, known as Galdoskialism, named after the man who originally developed the ideals; Serusis Galdosk'mum. The Moghuls live in a series of small villages and practice older, although somewhat modernized customs. As a result, they're considered the "Orientals" of Sazkarjhia, and are one of the few groups not persecuted by Zarwaunists due to their strong defense of the ideals. Most notable about this clan, the Mumaso (Unique to here, as others like Tumallani and Kumador are specific to different regions, e.g. Dumark is indigenous to Daraban), is that each family's heirloom is a blade. They very between families but each one has the firstborn carry and use a sword that their ancestors forged in the past. They are considered skillful with this for melee combat and thus prefer it over ranged weaponry. Why this is stated is because several members of the Mumaso clan serve in the Peoples' Military. Many of them are lower down the chain of command, but the 8th Brigade, 3rd Battalion commander--Captain Aramas Baltoko'mum--is one of the highest, who uses a long, single-edged sword forged from steel with a long grip. It is also known that many of the Mumaso clan are also vagabond Sazkarjhians, or Pirates. Why they use the demonym "Moguhl" is still largely unknown. We believe it may pertain to the Mogus Cave System, and they adopted the name as the first village has been known to be established there. Overall, the Moguhls are mysterious, and even those serving among the Sazkarjhian soldiers do not testify many of their origins. Perhaps it is for this reason that so little is known about their culture. That, and normal Sazkarjhians are not permitted to enter their territory. More research is being done, but until then we know very little else. [i]Sazkarjhia Archaeological Registry; Daraban Satellite Office Dr Milo Terrakas'dum - Head Researcher[/i] [b]Research and Development[/b] The Sazkarjhia Defense Firm has taken upon themselves to begin development on an oxygen capsule. Chemicals inside of it quickly travel through a Sazkarjhian's bloodstream, causing a physiological change where their body respires through oxygen, rather than chlorine. It will take some time, but now that Sazkarjhit are to travel out, and to help with vagabonds struggling to maintain with the same air as other species, it is being done for public, rather than military use, although it may see some action on the battlefield in urban situations. Development Status: Oxygen Capsule: 3%