[b]Projects[/b] Project Reborn: Notes 005 "The Flesh part of the project is coming along nicely. It still not at the stage where we can use it to begin building "true" synths, but it should be soon. The Griffon Synths development has slowed a bit while we experiment with combinations for them and with more resources being directed for the Flesh, along with discussions on how to make Synths for the rest of the Equestrian Races and other Equiis Pact races." Project Rerum Pharasim: Notes 001 "I thing I as a Doctor have encountered the hardest challenge of my life with this new project. Scientists from all fields of science are being brought on to this, along with resources from our Dark Energy Project. A theory, with some evidence to back it, has purposed a being augmented with Dark Energy in the right way could bend physics and reality itself to its will. Of course Dark Energy normally kills a being but the big guys in military in government have told us basically figure it out. I don't know where the HELL we are supposed to go with this. Were digging into all the notes we have on Dark Energy. Aetherii and Drac notes to, along with asking the Triarians about the subject without actually telling them about what were doing. We do have a lot of resources, but I feel this will be a very long project."