((Uh, sectoids are weak telepaths... Even the Sectoid Commander never really had powerful abilities when you think about it. Triarii were an evolved form of them after the Aetherii created it from scratch, fine tuning the nervous system and brain, as the Triarii were created as a sort of second in command. Also, Sectoids aren't self sufficient, they were reliant on the ethereals (You can't survive without mouth, you cant breed with no genetalia)) "Don't you find it sad, Mentor?" The young boy said "Find what sad?" "That none of them know of the Greater good, that they can't embrace it" "It is very sad, but..." "I think we should kill all those who reject the greater good" The young girl said, and the boy shook his head, but didn't speak "Hate not the Xenos for his ignorance, for we are all ignorant when we begin. Instead, seek to teach him, for there is nothing more beautiful than knowledge. Show him what it will do, the good it will bring and hope he will realise the benefits of the greater good. If he will not, then do not hate him but pity him, and do all that you can to help his kind, and let a thousand flowers bloom. The parent loves the child no matter their mistakes, and the Collective must keep peace, empathy, order and prosperity, for without these then from where cometh that love?" Personal log In order to field my Psionic beacon to its maximum efficiency I require better specimens. It is time the Triarii were willing to fully augment themselves, I must form a special Psi Corp of the Equitem in order to field this weapon to its best. Affirmed that, collectively, combined Triarian minds, such as that of when the Primicerii major council convenve, can destroy entire armies and see things far away and... Well, the device has limited room for additional Triarii to connect, and sources from the outside might destablising it. I ponder on the possibility of creating a Triarian Synth, our bodies are fine tuned but not perfect... Weapons testing The marksman fired the hardlight rifle a single time at the unshielded target, a piece of organic matter that was artificially grown, and watched as the light energy punched a hole straight through it, the force blowing a part of it away. He took the Hardlight Sniper rifle and took aim, before firing on a second target... The shot collided, taking a large chunk of the target off and disintegrating it. Next to him was a Draconian Synth, armed with a dark energy rifle, firing at the target before him, the shots piercing it with ease and completely destroying the nearby organic flesh surrounding the point if entry. He tried the Dark Energy ball kode, and the ball game out, smashing the target and completely disintergrating it before flying down range. He pressed the secondary trigger again and the energy ball exploded, deleting everything around it. On the next range, Ten new blood Triarian officers stood at the bottom of the range as dark energy rounds and hardlight was fired at them. They performed admirably, their eyes glowing orange as they communicated, massive psionic energy shields appearing, blocking some shots as other officers absorbed the energy as some of the shots approached and redirected it to keep the barriers online. All around this chamber, and some surrounding it, many tests were being performed on many different new technologies. A visitor might mistake this for a good day for Triarian science, but it was mostly average. This facility alone tested tens of thousands of different technologies a day, ranging from weapons, psionic beacons, shields, synths, ai, gravity, world building advances, suppression fields, medical advances, new ship parts, biolock upgrades... Anything and everything could be tested in facilities like these, which dotted the landscape of every world under Collective control and descended miles deep. The Argutus watched as their inventions were tested