[center] "Well...A vampire spoke of a band of vampirates famous for these types of raids, and their base is Never Island. A drunk-I mean...a dependable looking wizard instructed me on how to find the island...its just that the island constantly disappears and changes location, so finding it may take some time because I'll have to constantly adjust the ship's course."he explained, placing his hand on Trixxtal's shoulder. "But don't worry, we'll...um, find your family. Definitely." Jecht attempted to comfort Trixxtal with those words, but for a vampire who grew up without family, he didn't exactly know how to make him feel better. He just couldn't relate. He gave an awkward smile and removed his hand from his first mate. He didn't know what to say anymore and quickly thought up an excuse to leave. "Well, uh, Trixxtal I'm going to steer the ship now. The sooner we depart, the faster we find them."he said, nodding his head with approval of his plan and turning away. However, as he was about to leave the area, Jecht stopped and looked back to Trixxtal. "Oh...the boy is sleeping in your bed, right? If you wish, you may spend tonight in the captain's quarters."he offered. [/center]