[b]The Citadel[/b] The construction was still mainly framework, but it was moved farther in Equestrian Space. The reasons for placing it where it was at first was because it was the easier point in the Milky Way for Equiis Pact Nations to ship materials to, but with new Quantum Gates opening this is no longer the case. It took a while to move and has halted the construction until its can be reconfigured for its new location. [b]Kepler-EA Diplomatic Crisis[/b] Most of the Senators and Congressmen from the Kepler Alliance have stated that they wish to see this resolved peacefully, with the president advocating the same. [b]Invitation for the Triarians[/b] "The scientists and managers of the Equiis Pact's combined science program would like to invite the Triarians to a demonstration of various new technologies developed by the ongoing projects there. They hope the Triarians will accept and are currently working towards repairing damaged relations that have occurred over the past few years."