[B][U]JINX APPEARS ON THE SCENE[/B][/U] Jinx slid her bike to a stop dropped the kick stand, removed her helmet and shock her hot pink hair loose all in what seemed one motion. Her skin tight riding leathers almost seemed to glow so vibrant were the colors. She'd heard about this incursion of strange beings on the radio while she'd been out riding and had raced towards the city at well over 180 mph. She gazed at the scene before her seeing the chaos an calamity that it wrought upon the city. Shadows nearby rushed towards her hungry to attack. Most would have been afraid but Jinx simply smiled a frightening feral smile. [B]"It's going to so much fun playing with you guys"[/B] she says with a giggle As they draw closer she lifts both hands and emits a wide beam dose of misfortune. It slows but doesn't stop them and she only seems to smile even more evilly. [B]"Υφαίνουν το σχέδιο, το υφαίνουν κλειστή στροφή διαθήκες τους να μου τη δύναμη"[/B] she says in an old an nearly forgotten tongue as energy flows from her hands and eyes ((*Weave the pattern, weave it tight bend their wills to my might*)) Few knew that she was more than just a Jinx that she also was a Sorceress of no small talent.. Those shadow creatures caught in her dark magic immediately went insane and turned on their own kind Any who might have been near her would have noted a graying of her skin and an empathic aura of fear, Jinx was a sinister figure as she strolled casually forwards into the darkness created by the shadow creatures. Her foes began launching attack after attack at her only to fall prey to her sorceress power where upon they went mad and attacked their own. Each attack did not leave their mistress unscathed but slowly turned her skin an unnatural ash gray and her eyes a baleful yellow. Internally she fought another battle as her darker soul began to awaken and urge her to join her foes making them her dark servants. It took all her will now to not fall to the curse of her ancestor Pandora. [B]"Εκάτης, που αφαιρεί ακούσει λόγος της κόρης σας και τα αποδέχονται ως κρέας για τα σκυλιά σας. Προστατέψτε με εκτεταμένες ένα ως φυλάω τα σταυροδρόμι ανάμεσα στους δύο κόσμους. Δώσε μου δύναμη του εχθρού μου που μπορώ να σφραγίσει η παραβίαση ακόμη και θα πρέπει να απαιτούν από την ψυχή μου" [/B] says Jinx as she lifts her arms to the side so that her body forms a cross. Slowly she is enveloped by her own power of probability corruption an drifts into the air beginning to spin. Her rotation increases in speed drawing shadow creatures towards her which are broken apart like fragile tissue paper dolls. Jinx's mouth opens and she swallows the torn remnants of the shadow beings like a turbine does loose articles on a jet way. She gives no thought to how dangerous her present course is and how absorbing the creatures could corrupt her soul forcing her to become an evil of equal weight to all she is consuming. She will not allow another city to suffer while she can do at least one heroic thing. She saw and remembers the destruction of Second City and how because she hesitated it fell "Not This Time" she thinks as her soul grows colder an colder with each passing second