The music swelled around her, like a warm blanket on a cold winters night. It filled her with a sweet sensation of freedom as her voice rose and fell with the notes that came easily to her. She only felt truly alive when engulfed in this serenity of music; her happiest moments were spent locked in this lonely place with only her and her music. The feeling was refreshing against the tidal wave of grim events that at times seemed to submerge her entire life, leaving her cold, empty and hopeless. The music made it better, made [i]her[/i] better, even when she was in the darkest of places and felt as if she were being torn apart by the limbs. When Charlie unsure about where to turn, she could always rely on the sweet melody to be her helping hand. The comfort she needed on a dismal day in the darkest of nights. The music slowly faded to an end, the vibrating cord droned off and shook Charlie's bones pleasantly. It was a feeling she was use to, a welcomed feeling, actually, because with it came a wash of what could only be described as rebirth. It was amazing, the power the music had over her. Her breath came shallowly for several seconds after the song ended, her eyes instinctively shut as she let herself be moved by the moment. [i]“Bravo. Your voice is lovely”[/i] The unexpected sound caused the young musician to startle suddenly. Charlie's eyes flew open and her mouth shaped a surprised O as Mila's voice broke the silence. "T-thanks." She mumbled, momentarily stunned out of her fanciful reverie. Her voice was hesitant for a moment, like someone woken from a deep nap. "Thank you." With her voice cleared by a throaty cough, the expression of gratitude came out stronger and more genuine. Without much thought, she offered Mila kosher smile, slowly moving her guitar so that it sat neatly on her knees. The movement was tender, as if what she was holding were some precious item and not an old, beat up guitar that had seen better days. Quickly Charlie tucked her hair behind her ear and chuckled softly when Mila mentioned her music 'winning hearts'. A slight blush crept into her cheeks as she struggled for some witty comeback and miserably failed. She settled for a pathetic shoulder shrug as her hand moved consciously to her face in an attempt to hide that goddamn blush. "You look good today." Charlie admitted, nodding towards the woman's outfit. "I think I need you as my personal fashion designer because... well..." She waved a hand at her own outfit; a pair of loose boyfriend jeans that were ripped slightly more then they should be due to use, and a large black shirt that was askew on her body, exposing her prominent collar bone. The outfit wasn't all that horrible, it just had properties that were not as sophisticated as most women dressed. Charlie had always been a little bit on the hipster side. "You see what I mean." She laughed humorously, although a bit tensely. She felt the couch sink a little as Mila's body weight added with hers and looked over instinctively with a witty sparkle in her eyes. [i]“Brought some stuff with me. I have more in the car but I’ll tackle that in the morning..."[/i] "Okay, cool. I can help a bit if you're up early enough." Charlie listened to the note strum quietly and smiled faintly. "I have to be at the diner tomorrow morning by nine," she explained this idly as her hands unconsciously twisted together where they rested on the guitar. "You should stop by for some lunch, they make the best panini's around. They're really great." Her voice trailed off as she carefully placed her guitar back into it's case and stood up, wiping her clammy palms on her jeans and stepping over the case and towards the kitchen. "It was needed, to be perfectly honest." Charlie's voice raised as she casually walked into the kitchen and grabbed the movie cases from the counter. "The cleaning, I mean. This place was a dump and you just gave me the excuse I needed to actually do something about it." Sauntering back into the living room, she fell back onto the couch and smiled. Holding out the movies she raised her eyebrows in question. "What first? I have Casablanca, I've never seen this one but it looks interesting." She passed over the two clear, plastic cases and leaned back with her hands crossed over her chest. "I wasn't sure what vampire movie you meant, but I was in the mood for something scary so I picked up one of my favorites." Tapping the case gently she motioned towards the dvd that showed a cement looking background with a very cheesy vampire and the words 'Dracula' written in bloody font on it. "It's the original, which is the best if you ask me." Charlie shrugged nonchalantly and grabbed the television remote, flicking the tv on with a small click noise before the screen bloomed to life. "You can pick and I'll pour the wine and make some popcorn."