[U]Assallya[/U] As Assallya peered through the keyhole a strange little dragon inside stared back. [IMG]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs9/i/2006/151/9/4/Fairy_Dragon_by_Tarjcia.jpg[/IMG] [B]"Hi ya miss sneaky sneak"[/B] it giggles just before disappearing only to reappear outside the door landing to sit on Assallya's shoulder [B]"Whatcha looking for? If you be a thief I'll give ya some free advice, don't" The Inn is inhabited by spirits, demons and strange creatures any one of which that owes the Mistress a powerful boon[/B] the little dragon says giggling [B]"If it's wealth you seek the Lady to grant you a quest which meets your talents. If it's power you seek offer to serve her for an approved length of time to gain it, she's kinda like a goddess that way[/B] The dragon inhales deeply and holds it's breath in the classic manner of all dragons readying their breath weapon [U]Traben & Cassandra[/U] [B]"It's good you came along when you did good ranger for it was a fierce battle an even I had doubts the Elven woman's survival[/B] says Cassandra looking into his eyes in a manner few women have the bold nature to do. [B]"I was so hoping to join my love Sir Kane when I heard he was on campaign. This year seems already marked by a dark shadow an dire rumor[/B]