Hayate smiled as Marduk pushed his nose at him and rubbed the dragon's snout in response. As the offer was finished, he nodded to Marduk and looked at the tail for a moment, wondering if whoever his master was would be okay with this. The dragon himself seemed fine with it though, so perhaps he had nothing to worry about. Looking ahead to see that they still had not lost the old man, he pushed off of Marduk's tail and slung himself over Marduk. The hide may be a bit rough on him, digging through his clothes as he sat with the heavy load. He knew they would only do more so as they ran ahead, but commented, "I have ridden a horse before, I have one outside the city even...oh?" At this moment Rhiannon arrived, bloodstained and disheveled. He was about to ask if she was okay, but he had no time as her words spouted forth quickly and she pressed on ahead again, then there was that voice of her singing. It seemed a bit entrancing, and he felt urged to leap from Marduk's back and follow, he looked about to see if others noticed the wonderful tune but the panic hadn't seemed to lift from the others. As he was about to go down the dragon moved forward and he stared ahead as well. The brief moment she stopped her singing to laugh, he gained a little more of his senses, wondering just how come he felt so compelled to follow. He did not mind it still though and relaxed against Marduk's neck, the roughness of the hide forgotten as he listened to the Fae's voice. He did have enough sense about him to ask of the old man from before, "Wait, where is the..." He didn't have to ask as he spotted Mordecai ahead of them, seemingly in the strange trance as well. He was beginning to be slightly worried about Rhai's origins now. The bloodied clothes, happy tone, and haunting tune. It all seemed to allude to something...unnatural. However; they were escaping, he did not have time to ponder this.