Looking out at the bright sun overlooking the town Bria rubbed her eyes, and yawned. Her body was still sore from the night before, when she had been sent to fetch water for Mistress's bath. And the Master's bath. As well as bathwater for their children. She had gone to bed late, and was, thus, still tired. She didn't know what the wine's purpose was for, of course. She knew that she had been cleaning the manor more times in one week than normal. Rubbing at her eyes yet again, Bria threw the covers off of her body, adjusting her sleeping gown. Matting down her hair with her hands, she walked over to the door. But yes, it hit her. How was a petite girl such as she supposed to wade through the crowds that always gathered in the morning. She hadn't woken up nearly early enough to catch the vendors before the rush of people came to purchase their wares. Tiptoeing back to her bed, Bria pulled her sheets over her body, tucking her cold feet under the still-warm blanket. She'd go down later.