The young boy had asked what he wanted and left. Serene was now more alert and lead the way down the alleyway where Moon In-Sun had found her. She only had one focus at that moment and that was to find out what had happened here. She scanned the walls with her memory. Blank, absolutely nothing came to her mind. She bent down to the ground and touched the cold rock cement. Moon In-Sun spoke. That is the spot I found you. You where barely conscious. She looked more careful at the stone beneath her fingers. There was blood. A flash and the memory came she was yelling at a man as more of them appeared. They where not friendly faces. She lifted from her hands two bamboo nunchucks. They all laughed at her and she smirked. Then the memory fade out. She looked at Moon In-Sun and smiled at him "I remembered something!" She said excitedly and leaped into his arms holding him tightly. She felt him tense up and took a step back to look at his face it was sad. She said "I will never forget you but, I don't think that you will like the person I really am." He spoke very strongly. "Never say that!" "I know who you are now and it dose not matter what you did but, what your try to become." He embraced her in a hug and as he did the man that that young boy had shown them related to the memory she had recalled. She pulled back and Moon In-Sun looked at her. "I know that man that was on the scroll." Before Moon In-Sun could reacted she was running in the direction the boy had headed. Before she realized it she was surrounded by black creatures with yellow eyes and no sight of Moon In-Sun. Instinctively she grabbed the nunchucks hanging from her bag ready to defend herself. One charged at her and with a whip of one of her hands the creature dissolved. It felt more elegant than she had anticipated. More came at her and with each swing of her hand they started to vanish. This was easier than she expected and her mind was surprisingly at ease as she fought.