[b]Kepler Alliance[/b] Some EA officials have agreed with Fergus, must most still refuse to allow the Kepler Alliance to reject the doctrine. They continue to spread anti-Kepler propaganda, though some of it borders on anti-Equestrian. Obviously, these posters have been ripped apart and burned by most of the citizens, most of whom want a peaceful solution. It seems that every second a civilian message is sent through the public commnet towards Equiis Pact space, specifically the Kepler Alliance area, all of them apologizing for the idiocy of their leaders. Interestingly enough, multiple tractatori have been deployed into the streets. The official explanation is that they are conducting a "uninterruptive survey" to see what the citizens think about about the Kepler Alliance. They are using the medical nanorobots installed in their brains that monitor neural impulses and fix any problems with them -such as mental diseases- to conduct the survey. This couldn't possibly have any ulterior motive whatsoever. [b]EA Research Colony, Draconian Front 001[/b] "Focusing dark energy, buildup is reaching critical levels. The containment field will not hold in the effect if we increase the load any more." The Dolphin scientist was speaking using a translator module installed in his tank, he was controlling the experiment using brainwaves, The actual experiment was taking place twenty light years away, of course. Dark energy had already been proven to be what keeps the universe going, it essentially counteracted gravity and let it keep expanding. As such, this experiment had two purposes. The first being testing a dark energy weapon, the second being to see if that weapon can be used as an excuse to harvest enough dark energy to halt universal expansion within the local group of galaxies so that they do not meet the inevitable fate of the "big rip". "Deactivate containment field, observe effects." The voice was unmistakable, deep but feminine, with an aggressive twist to the whole thing. "Yes, Admiral Sora." The sensors of the lab showed the image of a star system, all of the planets there were barren of course, and it was determined by hundreds of mathematicians that the system would never produce life. As the detonation signal reached the dark energy bomb, the star was thrust apart from the inside as globs of stellar material were ejected out by the dark energy's push. Some impacted the planets, devastating their surfaces. After about an hour, the system has been ripped apart, and the remaining fragments flew away from the dark energy. "Counteract" The dark energy was recaptured using another container, and safely returned to the lab's heavy containment area. "Good job, your research might one day save the universe. You might be remembered as the most important people in all of history." "We wouldn't deserve it, the Draconians came up with the containment method." "But you rediscovered it, surely that deserves recognition." "I suppose so, but it feels like we're robbing them of the glory that should be theirs, no matter how oppressive they were." [b]Diplomacy[/b] "May today be remembered as the day our two peoples connected our paths, thus letting the illuminating light flow between them." Said the Governor, using the interestingly common path analogy. This time it didn't make any sense (since when does light act like a liquid), but at this point the EA has sort of given up on anything making sense at all.