Kat had taken a seat on one of the sleeping bags laid out for all the students in the ballroom now in a blue tank top and the same pair of white shorts she'd worn earlier, she wasn't too sure about socializing with anybody at the moment, she was too focused on thinking about literally every possible partner combination as she glanced around the room. [i]"Let's see...1 x 35 x 34 x 33...So, there'd be ... over 30,000 combinations total for just one team..."[/i] She laid back against the lumpy, yet still invitingly comfortable bag and sighed just a bit as she started realizing that the odds of her even winding up in the same team as Felix were about 1/3000. She was honestly a little worried about him...after all, even after she tried to cheer him up, he was still a stuttering mess...She'd thought that she'd be able to watch his back if they were on the same team, but the odds seemed stacked against her idea. Thinking back to Felix's weapon, she turned over and placed her head on the pillow at the head of the bag, sure the thing looked effective, and it must hurt like hell, she couldn't help but wonder if he knew how to handle it right. Feeling that she'd done enough worrying for the night, she recalled that her dad and given her some kind of "surprise" and left it in her bag before she left for Beacon...fumbling around with her bag for a bit she finally found the small cardboard box that had he told her not to open until she got there. Feeling that now was the time, she opened the lid of the box and found a simple, paperback book, looked fairly worn out, flipping through it to the end she saw the page count was 395, the cover was so worn that she had to open it to find the title printed on the first page. [b]"The...[i]Gentleman's Guide to Evisceration?[/i] What the..."[/b] She was quickly silenced upon viewing the book's contents, the first line literally said "The Following is a Guide to the Complete and Utter Decimation of Your Foes, In the Most Efficient Manner Possible." Quickly scanning through the pages, she found detailed diagrams, various anatomical and biological descriptions, and finally, she found the chapter devoted to combating Grimm. Her tail swished back and forth behind her as she read through it...it was clear to her why her father had given her this guide. Too excited to sleep right away, she began fervently reading through the chapter, pouring over the details of the ballistic/blade based weaponry combat techniques...finding small notes scribbled down on the pages. [i]"Thanks Dad..."[/i]