Deus smiled, as he heard the redhead's murderous intent. Oh, how amusing. As he thought of what to do, a large red button labeled 'don't press' appeared in front of him, gleaming invitingly. "Ooooooooh, shiny!" Laughing, he presses the button, as a large cannon rises from the flor. It takes a few moments for the cannon to get it's aim right, but after that has passed, it fires, spraying confetti and candy all over the place, as well as a large steel ball, flying almost straight up into the sky. Once more, Bob's voice echoes out over the forest. "And one of the players has volunteered for a squashing!" Bob bursts out into manic laughter. The ball has reached space, it's course slowing to a stop. Then, as it exits the atmosphere for a moment, gravity takes a hold. Breaking all the laws of physics, it instantly speeds back down, flames surrounding the massive steel ball as it crashes through the atmosphere, the steel red hot and yet not at all breaking off as it should be. It turns down, the front moulding into the flaming face of Madoka, as Bob's laughter reaches it's peak, and the meteorite cannonball reaches the ground at Kyoko's location, causing a massive explosion that blows a crater in the ground and makes the earth tremble.